
6th September 2009
We've had a great summer, with lots of progression within the club. Will gained his A certificate, and has begun coaching to achieve his FS1. Matt gained his FF2 qualification. Nicky completed her 300th jump and achieved 2 gold medals in 4way formation skydiving with Team Nimeton at UK GPs. We also attended the extremely wet and windy BCPA Nationals meet in Cark. Sadly the weather during the five days was against us and no jumping was had. The free food and beer was still appreciated just as much though ;)

29th September 2008
We will have a stall at the sports fair from 3pm - 7pm 29th September. Come and ask any questions you may have or just to say hello!

5th April 2008
We had a great trip to Skydive Spain in Seville, with lots of jumping helping Steve to get his licence and Nicky her B Certificate. The beers were flowing.....

5th November 2007
We are starting in the Boater at 7.30pm. The theme is 'Best of British'. Think James May meets Little Britain. Hope to see everyone out and photos a plenty! Social Sex

19th - 21st Oct Second training weekend
Anther successful training weekend was had at Nethers. Review to come!

12th - 14th Oct First training weekend
We had a fantastic weekend at Nethers, with 13 people completing their training course and first jump, and many managing to get in a second jump as well, congratulations guys! Nicky achieved her FS1, Formation Skydiving Qualification with a 5 point 4-way skydive on Sunday afternoon...the beer fine will be paid next friday night when we get to nethers!

16/03/07-18/03/07 - BCPA Southerns Meet
The first of the regional BCPA competitions. 3 of us made it up to Langar for the Southerns meet. Everyone had a good welcome from Ally Milne and the LU:ST guys. Unfortunately, the wind was stupidly high all weekend (over 30mph most of the time) and even some tents collapsed on Saturday night - none of ours fortunately! The weather didn't dampen anybodys spirits though and another great BCPA Saturday night party ensued. After the bar closed everyone went out to 'Langar Henge' where a massive fire was enjoyed with free beer - brilliant! Can't wait till the Northerns meet in May...

23/02/07-25/02/07 - BCPA Valentines Meet
A repeat of the Freshers meet at Hibaldstow again. This one was even bigger than the Freshers meet with loads of people. The weather was terrible on Saturday so the 3-way comp was done on creepers. Team Colostomy from Loughborough provided much entertainment... A couple of student lifts did make it up in the evening.
As always, the party on saturday night was brilliant with a lot of effort on the costume front - the theme was 'good and evil'. Unfortunately, the late night took it's toll on many people meaning that not much jumping happened on Sunday, even with some nice weather!

02/02/07-04/02/07 - Fourth Training Weekend
Another good weekend at Nethers. 6 more members trained and they all got to jump as well - nice one guys! The weather was great so our experienced guys all got to jump too. Francis did his 100th and got FS1 as well and various people progressed onto dummy pulls, longer delays!

11/12/06 - Christmas Meal
After a drink or two in Spoons, 21 of us went to TGI's for a 3 course meal. The free champagne was very popular and food wasn't bad either! Much entertainment was had with the combination of santa hats and helium baloons! After the meal there were some drinking games in the Rat and Parrot and then survivors made it clubbing! All in all it was a great end to the first term!

29/11/06 - Snowball
A good night was had by all! Lots of people there and quite a few skydivers too! Vodka slush puppies went down a treat!

13/11/06 - BCPA Freshers
7 of us made the trek up to Hibaldstow in Lincolnshire for the BCPA Freshers meet and it was well worth it! In total there were 120 students there which was awesome. No jumping on Saturday due to the very high winds but the party was brilliant. Really cheap drinks and some great music. We came second in the Boat Race despite all of us that were in the bar at that point having to take part!
On Sunday the weather was much better and Chris, Eugene and Francis competed in the 3-way Scrambles competition. It was called after the 1st round, with Chris' team in 2nd place and Francis and Eugene's team in 3rd. Francis, Eugene and Emily (from Hull) had a stonking 2nd round though so it was a pity not to have it counted! Check out the video of all the rounds of the competition in the Gallery!

08/11/06 - Army Social
Another great night out with the Skydiving Club. Lots of effort again on the costumes - everyone looked really cool! Starting in at the Boater again for a few drinks and then up to Score. We got up to Score with much less hassle this time! Loads of fun! There are lots of photos on Facebook from the two socials, if you want any up here, then email them to us...

05/11/06 - Third Training Weekend Completed
We had great weather this weekend - sunshine and very little wind. The ice on the tents told us how cold it was at night! Another 9 people were trained and everyone got to jump. Another 10 people were down at Nethers, for a day or the whole weekend and everyone was jumped!
That was pretty much a third of our members jumped this weekend, 31 people trained so far this year, 22 of whom have now done at least one skydive!

18/10/06 - Initiation!!
Another great social saw some great costumes for the theme "things that fly"! Angels, fairies (including a male one!), bumblebees and thunderbirds were just a few of the great ideas people came up with! Starting in the Boater with some skydiving related games followed by a mission up to Score (due to unreliable buses!) which was packed! Everyone had a great time and there will be some photos here soon...

15/10/06 - Second Training Course Completed
Another weekend gone by and another 11 people trained up. Unfortunately the wind got the better of us again and nobody was able to jump - you can all go down on weekends and Wednesday and Friday afternoons to get that first jump in.
Saturday night was the APA Autumn Ball and there were some awesome fireworks followed by a good night chatting to loads of skydivers. It did turn into quite a late one for some of us though!

09/10/06 - First Training Course Completed
11 people came down to Netheravon and completed their ground training on Saturday. There was almost time to jump but it got dark too quickly. On Sunday, 7 people got to jump before the winds got too strong and they all loved it! Everybody had a great weekend and hopefully they will all be back for more! Some pictures from the weekend are now up in the gallery.

04/10/06 - First Social went well
It was great to see so many people out for the first social and get a chance to chat to new members. We hope everybody had a good time, if you want to comment on it, use the forum.
The second social in two weeks is going to be even better!
The first training weekend is full now, but you'll be able to sign up for the second trip next weekend from the 6th October.