
6th October 4-7pm - Sports Fair, Founders Hall

Our stall at the sports fair will be in the corner next to the door, we'll be available to answer all of your questions about becoming a skydiver, how you can compete in skydiving and the great deals the club can offer you.

9th-11th, 16th-18th October - Training Weekends at Netheravon

These are your opportunity to make your first skydive, after a day of ground training with an experienced instructor, you'll jump from 3500ft and a static line will deploy your parachute for you.

Late 2009 - Wind Tunnel Trip - Freefall Taster Session

The wind tunnel is a great place to experience the feeling of freefall whilst in a more controlled environment. It is a great training tool for skydivers. We will run regular trips to the wind tunnel in Milton Keynes.