What happens before the first jump?

Before your first jump you will have nearly a whole day of ground training. The exact length of the ground school depends on how quickly the people in your group take the information in but will be somewhere in the region of 5-6 hours. In this time you will be taught how the parachute system works and how it flies.

You will shown how to take control of the parachute and how to deal with any emergencies that might occur. You will be taught how to exit the plane in a stable manner and will practise doing this out of mock-ups on the ground. The instructor will also teach you how to fly your parachute and how to land it. Before you jump there will be a short written test which will be easy provided you’ve paid attention during the course!

Weather and time permitting, you will jump on the same day as the ground school. If there isn’t time to fit the jump in, then you will jump the next day after a brief refresher of your training.