List of publications

Here I list some of my reports/publications. Abstracts of works written before 2019 are available [here].
If you are interested with any work feel free to contact me.

Journal papers and pre-prints

  • S. Zukowski, P. Morawiecki, H. Seybold, P. Szymczak, "Through history to growth dynamics: deciphering the evolution of spatial networks" Sci Rep 12, 20407 (2022) [s41598-022-24656-x].
  • Philippe H. Trinh, Piotr Morawiecki, "On the development and analysis of coupled surface-subsurface models of catchments. Part 1. Parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis of catchment properties" (2022) [arXiv:2211.00964].
  • Philippe H. Trinh, Piotr Morawiecki, "On the development and analysis of coupled surface-subsurface models of catchments. Part 2. A three-dimensional benchmark model and its properties" (2022) [arXiv:2211.01440].
  • Philippe H. Trinh, Piotr Morawiecki, "On the development and analysis of coupled surface-subsurface models of catchments. Part 3. Analytical solutions and scaling laws" (2022) [arXiv:2211.00972].
  • H. C. Burridge, et al. "The ventilation of buildings and other mitigating measures for COVID-19: a focus on wintertime." Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477.2247 (2021): [rspa.2020.0855].
  • P. Moraga, et al. "Bayesian spatial modelling of geostatistical data using INLA and SPDE methods: A case study predicting malaria risk in Mozambique." Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 39 (2021) [j.sste.2021.100440].
  • P. Morawiecki et al. "In-flight terrain mapping using Convolutions Neural Network", ESA (2019). Joint work with the team of students during the CanSat competition 2019 [access link].


Technical reports from study groups with industry

  • E. Butlet, et al. "Whatever Input to Torsion Transfer: Harvesting energy from a WITT gearbox device" ESGI167, University of Kent, 2022.
  • S. Apella, et al. "Determining the conductance of networks created by randomly dispersed cylinders" ESGI165, Durham University, 2022.
    [access link].
  • T. Babasola et al. "COVID19 Safety in Large Events", V-KEMS Report, 2021 [access link].
  • C. Budd, I. Flood, D. Jiang, P. Morawiecki, J. Parker, Y. Xiao, "Quantifying Risk Under Deployment Uncertainty in Radio Spectrum Management", ESGI162, University of Leeds, 2020.
  • K. Kiradjiev, P. Morawiecki, R. Pisarczyk, "Finding a Fair Heat Settlement Model", ESGI144, Institute of Mathematics - Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 2019.
  • J. Hook, K. Kulesza, P. Morawiecki, E. Wilson, "Understanding the screening process of new molecules", ESGI138, University of Bath, 2018
    [access link].
  • A. Champneys, G. Benham et al., "Optimisation of fluid mixing in a Hydrosac growing module", ESGI138, University of Bath, 2018 [access link].
  • M. Croci, P. Morawiecki et al. "Classification of Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography Data", ESGI130, University of Warwick, 2017 [access link].
  • H. Braviner, O. Hryniv, et al. "The Computer as a Solution Space", ESGI107, University of Manchester, 2015 [access link].

Selected projects completed at the Centre for Industrial Applications of Mathematics and Systems Engineering (CIAMSE) - work summarized in technical reports

  • "Regression Methods for Large Binary Matrices", report from industrial project facilitated by Microsoft, Warsaw, 2017. Joint work: P. Morawiecki, P. Sakrajda, K. Kulesza, et al.
  • "Optimization of scheduling and job assignment for the maintenance operation", report from industrial project facilitated by BSH Ltd (Bosch & Siemens' maintenance company for home appliances), Warsaw, 2016. Joint work: K. Kulesza, P. Sakrajda, P. Morawiecki, et al.
  • "On possible quantitative implications of new legislation proposed by the government for gambling sector in Poland", report from industrial project facilitated by Casinos Poland (largest casinos operator in Poland), Warsaw, 2016. Joint work: K. Kulesza, P. Morawiecki et al.
  • "Prediction model based on data from L.E.M. nano prediction market" report written as a part of a long-term project for Industrial Development Agency S.A., Warsaw, 2015. Joint work: P. Morawiecki, P. Ziolo, et al.
  • "Analysis of selected methods for assessing the accuracy of determining the size of wood resources in the course of the National Forest Inventory in Poland", report from industrial project facilitated by BULIGL (state-owned company in charge for quantitative aspect for forestry in Poland), Warsaw, 2014. Joint work: P. Ziolo, P. Morawiecki, et al.
  • "Scientific feasibility study on scheduling of huge investments with robust effectiveness - SHIRE", report from industrial project facilitated by DM BOS S.A. (leading brokerage house in Poland), Warsaw, 2014. Joint work: K. Kulesza, P. Ziolo, P. Morawiecki, et al.
  • "Modelling of the Nuclear Armageddon", CIAMSE project run during annual summer programme Warsaw, 2013. Joint work: P. Ziolo, P. Morawiecki, et al.