Currently a Professor in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Manuch Soleimani obtained BSc degree in Electrical
Engineering and MSc in Biomedical Engineering. He received a PhD in
electromagnetic tomography in August 2005 from the University of
Manchester, UK. He worked as an industrial project manager in energy
industry after obtaining his MSc. He worked as a post-doc research
associate (PDRA) at the School of Materials of the University of
Manchester, UK between August 2005 and June 2007.
He also worked as a PDRA for the Department of Electronics and Electrical
Engineering at the University of Bath from June 2007 to May 2008. Prof.
Soleimani has established the Engineering Tomography
Laboratory (ETL). The
main research areas are, AI Engineering,
including “Multi-modality
“Inverse Problems and Machine Learning”, and “Electrical and
Electromagnetic Tomography” including: 1) Medical imaging , 2) Industrial
process tomography, 3) Tomography
for material characterization. Linkedin page.
Here is a more complete list of PUBLICATIONS
. You can also view my google
scholar profile here.
ETL has released GPU-based cone beam
CT imaging software, called TIGRE jointly
with CERN.
graduates with me as lead supervisor:
1)Dr K Wei, 2)Dr W Qiu
3) Dr Allen Yao 4) Dr T Pengpan 5) Dr L Ma, 6)Dr
CL Yang, 7)Dr Z Ye
8)Dr M Zhang, 9) Dr E Al Hosani,
10)Dr Ander Biguri,
11)Dr Fang Li, 12)Dr K Wei (second PhD),
13) Dr C Tholin-Chittenden, 14)Dr
Heather Venables (DHealth),
15)Dr M Lohvithee, 16)Dr B Chen
17)Dr Jing Hu, 18)Dr X
Duan, 19)Dr C Wu , 20)Dr
G Ma, 21 )Dr G
22)Dr I
Muttakin, 23) Dr
P Koulountzios
Link to the latest
news items.
Prof Soleimani is a regular
reviewer for more than 20 international journals and serves as an editorial
Board member for several
journals including the following journals:
4)Scientific Reports