In-powering spaces: a co-operative inquiry with young women in management

Submitted by
Kate Louise McArdle
For the degree of PhD

Copyright Attention is drawn to the fact that copyright of this thesis rests with its author. This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with the author and that no quotation from the thesis and no information derived from it may be published without the prior written consent of the author. This thesis may be made available for consultation within the University Library and may be photocopied or lent to other libraries for the purposes of consultation.

Acknowledgements. - PDF(1,286KB)
Part I: Beginning
Chapter One: Setting the territory
What is my thesis about?
How I came to do inquiry
YoWiM - an overview
'In-powering spaces'
Thesis structure
Closing Chapter One: Finding 'my question' after I've 'finished'

Chapter Two: Getting started - PDF(233KB)
Getting angry
Voice, silence and safety

Chapter Three: Does method exist? - PDF(311KB)
Action research
First-, second- and third-person research practice
Co-operative inquiry
Co-operative inquiry - key aspects of the method

Part 11: Key learnings from the YoWiM inquiry group
Chapter Four: The importance of beginning - PDF(270KB)
Owning the beginning
Setting the scene
Choice = commitment
Some people won't like it: and that's fine

Chapter Five: Voice - enabling the silence to be heard - PDF(515KB)
Why voice mattered
(Re)appearing acts
Noticing I'm silenced
Naming as knowing
Getting visible

Chapter Six: What is third-person inquiry? - PDF(445KB)
Why I don't know what third person inquiry is
The issue of scale
The development of my ideas on third-person inquiry
Large scale (third-person?) inquiry

Chapter Seven: My facilitative practice - PDF(395KB)
Wadsworth on facilitation
Wadsworth's six key facilitation capabilities
Thoughts on facilitation in co-operative inquiry

Chapter Eight: The importance of 'endin - PDF(2,344KB)
Why writing this Chapter matters
Ideas that shaped the closing of YoWiM
What matters when we plan for endings
How we ended
Stories from sculpture: Ending presentationally

Part 111: Living my inqulrlng life - PDF(200KB)
Chapter Nine: Passion
Was YoWiM an in-powering space?
Becoming visible

Bibliography- PDF(146KB)

Appendix One- PDF(218KB)




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