CM10195 Computer Systems Architecture 2

Consolidation Week

Week 6, starting Monday 8th March, is a consolidation week, when there will be no new material for this Unit.

Unit Catalogue


Some texts

Operating Systems: OSs have been around nearly as long as computers, so there are many books -- just pick one! Books on Networking:

Some links

Past Papers

Past papers

The Coursework

Coursework accounts for 30% of the unit total. It consists of

The Exam

At the end of the semester (70%).


Not much on the Moodle page.


All the OS slides in one big PDF.


Note that these slides are reminders to me as to what topics I should cover: you are expected to read around the subject and refer to your lecture notes. Don't treat the slides as the entirety of your study. The slides are necessarily brief in style and their content would not often constitute a full answer to an exam question.

week01-01.pdf week01-02.pdf week01-03.pdf week01-04.pdf week01-05.pdf week01-06.pdf week01-07.pdf week01-08.pdf week01-09.pdf week01-10.pdf week02-01.pdf week02-02.pdf week02-03.pdf week02-04.pdf week02-05.pdf week02-06.pdf week02-07.pdf week02-08.pdf week02-09.pdf week02-10.pdf week02-11.pdf week03-01.pdf week03-02.pdf week03-03.pdf week03-04.pdf week03-05.pdf week03-06.pdf week03-07.pdf week03-08.pdf week03-09.pdf week03-10.pdf week03-11.pdf week03-12.pdf week04-01.pdf week04-02.pdf week04-03.pdf week04-04.pdf week04-05.pdf week04-06.pdf week04-07.pdf week05-01.pdf week05-02.pdf week05-03.pdf week05-04.pdf week05-05.pdf week05-06.pdf week07-01.pdf week07-02.pdf week07-03.pdf week07-04.pdf