Research Interests
I am interested in the modelling, theory, application and computation of nonlinear problems (linear problems are for cissies) with special interest in problems
which arise in industry and the environment.
I also have a very strong interest in interdisciplinary
projects closely linked to applications ranging from geology
to micro-wave cooking and from digestion to folk dancing.
I am keen to take on PhD students in any of these areas. They can join my
group of
PhD students all involved in research in industrial maths
and/or environmental sciences.
Current PhD Projects
- Raising the roof . NERC PhD. Matt Griffith, Nick Mitchell, Met Office
- Non-smooth models for climate Botswana PhD Kgomotso Susan Morupisi
- Indoor LTE and WiFi propagation ICASE PhD. Hayley Wragg, Keith Briggs (BT)
- Inverse problems in EEG Shaerdan Shataer
- Surge in turbochargers Samba/IAAPS PhD. Kate Powers, Chris Brace, Paul Milewski, Colin
- Mitigation zones for seismic surveys and marine animals KTP/PhD Guillermo Jimenez Arranz, Phillipe Blondel, SEICHE
- Adaptive mesh methods for the shallow water equations Simone Appela, Tristan Pryer, Met Office
- Machine learning for CME predications Chinese PhD Scholarship, Tina Zhou, Tom Haines, Met Office
- Impact of climate change on cocoa farming Samba PhD. Tosin Babasola, CRIN
- Inverse problems in ocean acoustics NPL funded PhD, Gianluca Audone, Matt Nunes, Phillipe Blondel, NPL
Current/recent PDRA Research Projects
- MIVOR: Impact of climate change on the National Grid NGC funded. Beate Erhardt, Mixhong ??, Ghenghong Gu, NGC
- Machine learning for hip fracture detection
Arthritis Society, Beate Erhardt, Richie Gill
- Moving meshes on the sphere with applications to weather prediction NERC
- Along with Victor Galaktionov and Johannes Zimmer I was coordinator
of the Bath Node of the FIRST (Fronts and Interfaces in Science
and Technology) Marie Curie training network. See
FIRST Network for more information
about the project, workshops and positions.