PANDA (Patterns, Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications)

Friday 21 September 2012

Department of Mathematical Sciences

University of Bath

The second PANDA (Patterns, Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications) meeting of 2012 will be held on Friday 21 September 2012 in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath. The meeting is funded by the LMS and forms part of a network involving Surrey, Bath, Leeds and Nottingham.

The morning talks will be of a pedagogical nature and aimed generally at post-docs and research students in applied mathematics.

Programme (provisional):

10.30am COFFEE (4 West cafe)
11.00am Christian Kuehn (Vienna) A tour through multiple time scale dynamics
12.00pm Paul Milewski (Bath) An introduction to wave modelling and droplet zitterbewegung in Faraday experiments
1.00pm LUNCH
2.15pm Thibaut Putelat (Ecole Polytechnique) Relative roles of treadmilling and autotaxis for cell motility
2.45pm Christine Venney (Bath) Some effects of including the next to nearest neighbour in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice
3.15pm Asma Ismail (Exeter) A restricted Conley index for constrained robustness of heteroclinic cycles
3.45pm COFFEE / TEA
4.15pm Jonathan Ward (Reading) Modelling the dynamics of culture
4.45pm Victor Brena-Medina (Bristol) Pattern formation in a non-homogeneous reaction-diffusion system: a model of plant root hairs

The meeting will take place in the Wolfson Lecture Room on level 1 (the ground floor) of building 4 West, in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY. A campus map and travel directions are available.

Limited funding is available to cover travel expenses of participants, in particular research students who are strongly encouraged to attend and contribute talks. Claim forms will be available on the day.