PANDA (Patterns, Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications)

Monday 26th April 2010

Department of Mathematical Sciences

University of Bath

The first PANDA (Patterns, Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications) meeting of 2010 will be held on Monday 26th April 2010 in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath. The meeting is funded by the LMS and forms part of a network involving Surrey, Bath, Leeds and Nottingham.

The theme of the meeting will be Delay differential equations

The first two talks are of a pedagogical nature and are aimed generally at research students in applied mathematics.


10.30 COFFEE (4 West cafe)
11.00 Yuliya Kyrychko (Bristol) Delay differential equations: theory and applications
12.00Jan Sieber (Portsmouth) Numerics for delay equations - similarities and differences to ODEs
1.00 LUNCH
2.30Thibaut Putelat (Cambridge) Delay-induced complex slidings of a frictional interface
3.00Abul al Azad (Plymouth) Within-burst synchrony changes in mutually delay-coupled neuronal elliptic bursters
3.30 Craig McIntyre (Strathclyde) Dissipative spatial solitons in lasers with delayed feedback: theory and experiments
4.00 Tobias Galla (Manchester) Intrinsic fluctuations in stochastic delay systems: theoretical description and application to a simple model of gene regulation

The meeting will take place in the Wolfson Lecture Room on level 1 (the ground floor) of building 4 West, in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY. A campus map and travel directions are available. On the campus map, note that building 4 West occupies the empty space shown between 2 West (2W) and 6 West (6W)!

Some funding is available to cover travel expenses of participants, in particular research students who are strongly encouraged to attend and contribute talks. Claim forms will be available on the day.