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[34] Müller, E.H., 2024. A Higher-order Hybridisable Discontinuous Galerkin IMEX method for the incompressible Euler equations. submitted arXiv:2410.09790

[33] Kazashi, Y., Müller, E.H. and Scheichl, R., 2024. Multigrid Monte Carlo Revisited: Theory and Bayesian Inference. submitted arXiv:2407.12149

[32] Deveney, T., Mueller, E.H. and Shardlow, T., 2023. Deep Surrogate Accelerated Delayed-Acceptance Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Bayesian Inference of Spatio-Temporal Heat Fluxes in Rotating Disc Systems. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification11(3), pp.970-995. arXiv:2204.02272

[31] Müller, E.H., 2023. Exact conservation laws for neural network integrators of dynamical systems. Journal of Computational Physics488, p.112234. arXiv:2209.11661

[30] Malcolm, A., Müller, E.H. and Scheichl, R., 2023. Improving Met Office Weather and Climate Forecasts with Bespoke Multigrid Solvers. to appear arXiv:2307.04528

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[22] Deveney, T., Mueller, E. and Shardlow, T., 2019. A deep surrogate approach to efficient Bayesian inversion in PDE and integral equation models.  arXiv:1910.01547

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