Euan Spence: Career History


  • Professor of Mathematics, University of Bath, March 2020 to present.

  • Nachdiplom lecturer at ETH Zürich, October 2021 to December 2021.

  • Reader in Mathematics, University of Bath, December 2017 to March 2020.

  • Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Bath, April 2014 to December 2017.

  • EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Bath, April 2011 to March 2014.

  • Post-Doctoral Research Assistant, University of Bath, April 2009 to March 2011. Project: Boundary Integral Equation Methods for High Frequency Scattering Problems, This was a joint project involving the University of Bath and the University of Reading on the development of robust methods for high-frequency wave scattering problems. EP/F06795X/1 and EP/F067798/1.

    Fellowships and Awards

  • ERC Synergy grant 2025-2031. Title: "Phase-space-inspired numerical methods for high-frequency wave scattering".

  • Whitehead Prize from the London Mathematical Society, July 2022.

  • John Todd Award from the Oberwolfach Foundation and the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (link to photos), February 2020.

  • EPSRC Early-Career Fellowship, October 2017 to September 2022 (no-cost extension to September 2023). Title: "At the interface between semiclassical analysis and numerical analysis of wave propagation problems". EP/R005591/1.

  • EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowship, April 2011 to March 2014. Title: ''New Methods and Analysis for Wave Propagation Problems''. EP/1025995/1.


  • PhD student in DAMTP, University of Cambridge, October 2005 to March 2009. Supervisor: Thanasis Fokas. The title of my thesis was "Boundary Value Problems for Linear Elliptic PDEs". This research is part of a wider body of work on transform methods for linear and certain non-linear PDEs; a website giving an overview of this work is here.

  • Undergraduate and MMath (Part III) at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, October 2001 to June 2005.