2.3 Word2TeX

Word2TeX is a converter which enables Microsoft Word to save files in LaTeX  format. We will use this to produce LaTeX  output for direct use by students (see 3.5 and 3.7).


Word2TeX is available from http://www.chikrii.com/products/word2tex/. Installation and usage guidance can be found in the manual http://www.chikrii.com/dl/word2tex/word2tex.pdf.


  1. Before you save as LaTeX  any currently displayed Word auto-generated contents page must be removed or hidden. We want LaTeX  to auto-generate the contents for itself, not to include a hard-coded version of the Word table. Since the table of contents is auto-generated it can safely be deleted and reinstated. Should you prefer you can also turn on track changes and then delete it. Replacement is a simple case of rejecting the change. This method can be used to hide any content you do not wish to be present in the LaTeX.

  2. You also need to convert any auto-generated bibliography to standard text (again, a new bibliography is easy inserted or track changes can be used).

  3. Click on File $\rightarrow $ Save as.

  4. Select .tex from the drop-down list of file formats.

  5. Two pop-up windows will open with warnings. The first warns you that not all content may transform. Accept this. The second warns you to only use this method with files you trust (i.e. that you have written). This is at your own risk.

  6. In the pop-up window select the following settings:

    • General: LaTeX2e; AMS; ANSI; LF; Don’t wrap paragraphs; Recognise inline equations in text; Use Longtable package; Translate font size.

    • Equations: Leave factory settings, however, by this mechanism you are able to configure the transformation of equation structures.

    • Preamble: change




      and add in \usepackage[a4paper]{geometry}; finally, at the base of the preamble add

      \newif\ifplastex %Required
      \plastexfalse %Required
      \newif\iftht %Required
      \thtfalse  %Required
      \newif\ifLP %Required
      \LPfalse %Required
      \ifLP %Required
      %Reflow cannot occur within a root symbol in large print PDF
      %so the root symbol is transformed to other notation
      {\left( #2 \right)^{\frac{1}{#1}}}
      \allowdisplaybreaks %Required

      (See the instructions on producing LaTeX  files if interested).

    • Styles: Leave as default except in AMS-LaTeX2e figure inclusion template change the default from:

        \includegraphics[width=%width, height=%height]{%filename}}


      \includegraphics[width=\textwidth, angle=0]{%filename}
    • Figures: Select Convert figures; Convert to PDF; leave rest as defaults.

    • Title: Click on maketitle, leave what is there as default but add

      \else \iftht
      \fi \fi

      before \maketitle.

    • Add the \tableofcontents command at the end.

    • Function translation: Tick translate mathematical functions.

  7. These settings should save in between use. Press OK.

  8. The LaTeX  file will be saved and then opened in Word in some sense, that is, you will continue to see the docx but would save over the tex file. Close it and open the tex file with something more useful!

The resultant output should be suitable for use with BaKoMa (section 3.5), speech and Braille (section 3.7) and for transformation to large print (section ).