Dr. Kyle Pearce


Twitter - KyleGPearce

Dr Kyle G. Pearce

Kyle graduated with a 1st class MChem degree from the University of Kent in 2017. During this time, as part of the Clark group, he investigated the reactivity of donor-stabilised phosphenium cations as well as the catalytic reduction of chlorophosphanes using mild Lewis acids.

He then joined the Crossley group at the University of Sussex for his PhD, exploring underexplored phosphorus functionalities, either for the development of optoelectronically active materials or to probe their fundamental properties.

Kyle joined the University of Bath in May 2021, working for Professor Mike Hill, focusing on the utilisation of highly abundant group 2 metals to explore and establish more sustainable approaches to transition-metal ‘type’ chemistry. He also took up a second PDRA position in the Cresswell lab between August 2022-Feburary 2023, with research centred on the photocatalytic C-H functionalisation of primary amines, with the aim of discovering more sustainable HAT catalysts whilst simultaneously investigating the selective functionalisation of pyrrolidines.

Kyle then returned to the field of s-block chemistry in April 2023, developing redox-active systems for bond activation and catalysis.

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