Dr. Han-Ying D. Liu


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Dr Han-Ying D. Liu

Han-Ying graduated with BSc degree from National Taiwan University in 2016. He investigated the synthesis of heterocycle substituted boron cations as part of Professor Ching-Wen Chiu’s group during his study. He then continued in the CWC group in National Taiwan University for his MSc (research based) study, exploring synthesis and reactivity of p-block dictations and radicals.

He then joined the Hill group at the University of Bath for his PhD in 2019, focusing on studies of low oxidation state main-group metal complexes, especially their ability to activate small molecules and potentials in mediating catalysis.

Han-Ying finished his PhD in summer 2023 and started a Leverhulme project with Professor Mike Hill as a PDRA researcher, conducting further investigation on s-block systems for bond activation, catalysis, and implementation as ligands.

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