Work Information

Research Officer at the University of Bath

I am currently working on testing different ceramic membranes for the gas separation of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen. The best membrane is planned to be used on a commercial synthesis plant of ammonia (more details here). This work is funded by the European Community and is supervised by Prof. Barry D. Crittenden and Dr. Semali Perera. Previously, I studied  the modeling of the microkinetics of the catalytic synthesis of Methyl tertiary Butyl Ether (more details here). This work granted by EPSRC was in collaboration with the Catalysis Research Centre in the University of Reading. This work was supervised by Prof. Stan T. Kolaczkowski.

Biographical Information

Born in Angoulême in 1968, I studied there up to my High School Diploma. Then, after two years in Advanced Mathematics in Poitiers, I obtained my diploma as a Chemical Engineer from ENSIC (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques) in Nancy in 1990 and my Ph.D. from I.N.P.L. (Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine) in 1996. I stated to work for the University of Bath in April 1997.

For further information concerning myself, you can look at my curriculum.

Personal Interests

I am particularly interested in computers and practice different sports (Aikido, Swimming, Volleyball and Archery). I like to read a lot of books or manga stories and watch some Japanese animations and TV series.

Contact Information

Department and address

Department of Chemical Engineering

Claverton Down

Bath BA2 7AY

Office phone: (44) (0)1225 385593

Lab phone: (44) (0)1225 384540

Fax: (44) (0)1225 826 894

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