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Welcome & Information
The SAMBa conference is an opportunity for students to showcase their work to members of the department, outside the department and at other Universities in a supportive environment. The work of SAMBa students covers the entire spectrum of statistical applied mathematics: including projects in statistics, probability, analysis, numerical analysis, mathematical biology, fluid dynamics, machine learning and high-performance computing. The conference is organised by students and contains talks by SAMBa students, external speakers, and students from other departments of the University of Bath.
This website will be updated with conference details as they are confirmed, including speakers, abstracts, registration forms, and the conference schedule.
The conference will be hosted in the Wolfson Lecture Theatre at the Mathematical Sciences department of the University of Bath:
4 West 1.7
Dept of Mathematical Sciences
University of Bath
Bath, BA2 7AY
United Kingdom
Travel information for getting to the University of Bath campus can be found on the University of Bath Travel Advice page.

Registration for the conference is closed now. Please email one of the committee if you have any questions.
All attendees are expected to follow the SAMBa Conference Code of Conduct.

Conference Schedule

Keynote Speakers

Student Speakers and Posters
The 2024 SAMBa conference is being organised by five SAMBa Cohort 9 PhD students. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of us using the information below.