Please choose the appropriate set, either undergraduate, or postgraduate.
These are the scripts for the first two Bioinformatics workshops (for reference, I'll give out paper copies in the workshops), and the question for the third.
Example unaligned nucleotide sequence file for workshop 2 mynuc.fasta
Corresponding protein sequences aligned with ClustalW2 myprotaln.fasta
These are the scripts for workshops I give to new postgraduate students but can be used for reference by anyone else!
Translating a DNA sequence into protein, using BLAST and PSI-BLAST to find related sequences and structures. Visualising structures using JMol.
Use of ENTREZ to obtain sequences by function, use of CLUSTALW to align these sequences, use of JalView, BOXSHADE and ESPript to display sequence alignments, making nucleotide sequence alignments and finally phylogenetic trees using PHYLO_WIN.