This is a mailing list devoted to proof theory.
Click here to subscribe or here to unsubscribe; alternatively, send a message to Sympa@Lists.Bath.Ac.UK whose subject contains 'subscribe prooftheory' or 'unsubscribe prooftheory' without quotes.
Subscription to the list is moderated. In case you ask for subscription but it is not clear to us that you are not a spammer (for example you use a nickname and a commercial provider), we will ask you for some information about yourself. Email addresses of subscribers are kept secret. Only individuals and organisations can subscribe.
The list is moderated. If you send any message about proof theory to
the message is delivered to all members as soon as we get it. Try to write your message as pure text, because that also helps your message reach all the intended recipients.
Moderator: Paola Bruscoli.
Archive and RSS feed (also on Gmane until August 2016).
559 people and two organisation are on the list today:
19.3.2024 Alessio Guglielmi email