[1] "Created: Thu Sep  4 11:00:09 2014"

See compfeat.html for how the data featbig.rda was prepared for this analysis.


Define the training and test sets

Randomly divide available data into two equally sized sets:

n <- nrow(cmdbig)
isel <- sample(1:n,round(n/2))
trainset <- cmdbig[-isel,]
testset <- cmdbig[isel,]
cmat <- rep(NA,5)

Richards measures alone

Set up the predictors that we will use. Note that I have transformed some of the variables as seen in the setup.

predform <- "rm.amplitude  + rm.beyond1std + rm.fpr20 +rm.fpr35 + rm.fpr50 + rm.fpr80 + log(rm.maxslope) + rm.mad +asylog(rm.medbuf) + rm.pairslope + log(rm.peramp) + log(rm.pdfp) + rm.skew + log(rm.kurtosis)+ rm.std + dublog(rm.rcorbor)"
preds <- c("rm.amplitude","rm.beyond1std","rm.fpr20","rm.fpr35","rm.fpr50","rm.fpr80","rm.maxslope","rm.mad","rm.medbuf","rm.pairslope","rm.peramp","rm.pdfp","rm.skew","rm.kurtosis","rm.std","rm.rcorbor")
tpredform <- paste(preds,collapse="+")
trform <- as.formula(paste("type ~",predform))


Linear Discriminant analysis using the default options.

We produce the cross-classification between predicted and observed class. Note that the default priors are the proportions found in the training set.

ldamod <- lda(formula=trform , data=trainset)
pv <- predict(ldamod, testset)
cm <- xtabs( ~ pv$class + testset$type)

This table shows the predicted type in the rows by the actual type in the columns.

nv tr
nv 20664 7729
tr 4496 17111

Same as above but now expressed a percentage within each column:

print(xtable(round(100*prop.table(cm, 2)),digits=0,caption="Actual"),type="html",caption.placement="top")
nv tr
nv 82 31
tr 18 69

The overall classification rate is 0.7555.

Recursive Partitioning

roz <- rpart(trform ,data=trainset)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-14

pv <- predict(roz,newdata=testset,type="class")
cm <- xtabs( ~ pv + testset$type)

This table shows the predicted type in the rows by the actual type in the columns.

nv tr
nv 20791 5920
tr 4369 18920

Same as above but now expressed a percentage within each column:

print(xtable(round(100*prop.table(cm, 2)),digits=0,caption="Actual"),type="html",caption.placement="top")
nv tr
nv 83 24
tr 17 76

The overall classification rate is 0.7942.

Support Vector Machines

Use the default choice of setting from the kernlab R package for this:

svmod <- ksvm(trform, data=trainset)
Using automatic sigma estimation (sigest) for RBF or laplace kernel 
pv <- predict(svmod, testset)
cm <- xtabs( ~ pv + testset$type)

This table shows the predicted type in the rows by the actual type in the columns.

nv tr
nv 22307 4506
tr 2853 20334

Same as above but now expressed a percentage within each column:

print(xtable(round(100*prop.table(cm, 2)),digits=0,caption="Actual"),type="html",caption.placement="top")
nv tr
nv 89 18
tr 11 82

The overall classification rate is 0.8528.

Neural Net

Use the multinom() function from the nnet R package. Might work better with some scaling.

svmod <- multinom(trform, data=trainset, trace=FALSE, maxit=1000, decay=5e-4)
pv <- predict(svmod, testset)
cm <- xtabs( ~ pv + testset$type)

This table shows the predicted type in the rows by the actual type in the columns.

nv tr
nv 20577 7012
tr 4583 17828

Same as above but now expressed a percentage within each column:

print(xtable(round(100*prop.table(cm, 2)),digits=0,caption="Actual"),type="html",caption.placement="top")
nv tr
nv 82 28
tr 18 72

The overall classification rate is 0.7681.

Random Forest

Use the randomForest package with the default settings:

tallform <- as.formula(paste("type ~",tpredform))
fmod <- randomForest(tallform, data=na.omit(trainset))
pv <- predict(fmod, newdata=na.omit(testset))
cm <- xtabs( ~ pv + na.omit(testset)$type)

This table shows the predicted type in the rows by the actual type in the columns.

nv tr
nv 21684 3785
tr 3476 21055

Same as above but now expressed a percentage within each column:

print(xtable(round(100*prop.table(cm, 2)),digits=0,caption="Actual"),type="html",caption.placement="top")
nv tr
nv 86 15
tr 14 85

The overall classification rate is 0.8548.

Summary of Classification Rate Performance

Percentage correctly classified:

names(cmat) <- c("LDA","RP","SVM","NN","RF")
 LDA   RP  SVM   NN   RF 
75.5 79.4 85.3 76.8 85.5 

Richards+Our set of measures

predform <- "shov + maxdiff + dscore + log(totvar) + log(quadvar) + log(famp) + log(fslope) + log(outl) + gscore + lsd + nudlog(gtvar) + rm.amplitude  + rm.beyond1std + rm.fpr20 +rm.fpr35 + rm.fpr50 + rm.fpr80 + log(rm.maxslope) + rm.mad +asylog(rm.medbuf) + rm.pairslope + log(rm.peramp) + log(rm.pdfp) + rm.skew + log(rm.kurtosis)+ rm.std + dublog(rm.rcorbor)"
preds <- c("shov","maxdiff","dscore","totvar","quadvar","famp","fslope","outl","gscore","lsd","gtvar","rm.amplitude","rm.beyond1std","rm.fpr20","rm.fpr35","rm.fpr50","rm.fpr80","rm.maxslope","rm.mad","rm.medbuf","rm.pairslope","rm.peramp","rm.pdfp","rm.skew","rm.kurtosis","rm.std","rm.rcorbor")
tpredform <- paste(preds,collapse="+")
trform <- as.formula(paste("type ~",predform))


Linear Discriminant analysis using the default options.

We produce the cross-classification between predicted and observed class. Note that the default priors are the proportions found in the training set.

ldamod <- lda(formula=trform , data=trainset)
pv <- predict(ldamod, testset)
cm <- xtabs( ~ pv$class + testset$type)

This table shows the predicted type in the rows by the actual type in the columns.

nv tr
nv 24747 834
tr 413 24006

Same as above but now expressed a percentage within each column:

print(xtable(round(100*prop.table(cm, 2)),digits=0,caption="Actual"),type="html",caption.placement="top")
nv tr
nv 98 3
tr 2 97

The overall classification rate is 0.9751.

Recursive Partitioning

roz <- rpart(trform ,data=trainset)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-45

pv <- predict(roz,newdata=testset,type="class")
cm <- xtabs( ~ pv + testset$type)

This table shows the predicted type in the rows by the actual type in the columns.

nv tr
nv 21170 1391
tr 3990 23449

Same as above but now expressed a percentage within each column:

print(xtable(round(100*prop.table(cm, 2)),digits=0,caption="Actual"),type="html",caption.placement="top")
nv tr
nv 84 6
tr 16 94

The overall classification rate is 0.8924.

Support Vector Machines

Use the default choice of setting from the kernlab R package for this:

svmod <- ksvm(trform, data=trainset)
Using automatic sigma estimation (sigest) for RBF or laplace kernel 
pv <- predict(svmod, testset)
cm <- xtabs( ~ pv + testset$type)

This table shows the predicted type in the rows by the actual type in the columns.

nv tr
nv 24538 182
tr 622 24658

Same as above but now expressed a percentage within each column:

print(xtable(round(100*prop.table(cm, 2)),digits=0,caption="Actual"),type="html",caption.placement="top")
nv tr
nv 98 1
tr 2 99

The overall classification rate is 0.9839.

Neural Net

Use the multinom() function from the nnet R package. Might work better with some scaling.

svmod <- multinom(trform, data=trainset, trace=FALSE, maxit=1000, decay=5e-4)
pv <- predict(svmod, testset)
cm <- xtabs( ~ pv + testset$type)

This table shows the predicted type in the rows by the actual type in the columns.

nv tr
nv 24699 398
tr 461 24442

Same as above but now expressed a percentage within each column:

print(xtable(round(100*prop.table(cm, 2)),digits=0,caption="Actual"),type="html",caption.placement="top")
nv tr
nv 98 2
tr 2 98

The overall classification rate is 0.9828.

Random Forest

Use the randomForest package with the default settings:

tallform <- as.formula(paste("type ~",tpredform))
fmod <- randomForest(tallform, data=na.omit(trainset))
pv <- predict(fmod, newdata=na.omit(testset))
cm <- xtabs( ~ pv + na.omit(testset)$type)

This table shows the predicted type in the rows by the actual type in the columns.

nv tr
nv 23994 420
tr 1166 24420

Same as above but now expressed a percentage within each column:

print(xtable(round(100*prop.table(cm, 2)),digits=0,caption="Actual"),type="html",caption.placement="top")
nv tr
nv 95 2
tr 5 98

The overall classification rate is 0.9683.

Summary of Classification Rate Performance

Percentage correctly classified:

names(cmat) <- c("LDA","RP","SVM","NN","RF")
 LDA   RP  SVM   NN   RF 
97.5 89.2 98.4 98.3 96.8 

Comparison of performance

cmatc <- rbind(cmatRICH,cmatGPR)
dimnames(cmatc) <- list(c("Richards","Ours+Rich"),  c("LDA","RP","SVM","NN","RF"))
           LDA   RP  SVM   NN   RF
Richards  75.5 79.4 85.3 76.8 85.5
Ours+Rich 97.5 89.2 98.4 98.3 96.8