[1] "Created: Tue Jun 24 12:28:37 2014"

Load in the new data. Load code from previous work.

row.names(lcdbi) <- lcdbi$id
lcdbi$id <- NULL
lcdbi$type <- factor(lcdbi$type)

Set the kernel type to squared exponential and set the inverse width:

kerntype <- "exponential"
wvec <- 2e-4
      nobs     type      
 Min.   : 41   nv:50000  
 1st Qu.: 95   tr:50000  
 Median :153             
 Mean   :153             
 3rd Qu.:207             
 Max.   :360             

We see no short light curves.

Investigate the range of observation. Compute the date of the first observation:

fd <- sapply(lcdb, function(x) min(x$mjd))
[1] 53464

We see that 53464 is indeed the start date.

robv <- sapply(lcdb, function(x) max(x$mjd) - min(x$mjd))
[1] 2221

Seems we have substantially shorter range of observation in this dataset than the 2764 used previously.

Sort the lightcurves to be monotonely increasing in date and create the measurement grouping variable:

for(i in 1:length(lcdb)){
    lc <- lcdb[[i]]
    ii <- order(lc$mjd)
    lc <- lc[ii,]
    lc$measgrp <- factor(c(0,cumsum(ifelse(diff(lc$mjd) < 1, 0, 1))))
    lcdb[[i]] <- lc

Detection Limit

For each light curve, we compute - proportion of observations with magnitudes greater than 20.5, 21 and 21.5 - the maximum magnitude

dlmat <- matrix(NA,length(lcdb),4)
for(i in 1:length(lcdb)){
    lc <- lcdb[[i]]
    nobs <- nrow(lc)
    dl1 <- sum(lc$mag > 20.5)/nobs
    dl2 <- sum(lc$mag > 21)/nobs
    dl3 <- sum(lc$mag > 21.5)/nobs
    dl4 <- max(lc$mag)
    dlmat[i,] <- c(dl1, dl2, dl3, dl4)
colnames(dlmat) <- c("d20.5","d21","d21.5","min")
dlmat <- data.frame(dlmat)
     d20.5             d21             d21.5              min      
 Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :12.1  
 1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.00000   1st Qu.:17.8  
 Median :0.0000   Median :0.0000   Median :0.00000   Median :19.4  
 Mean   :0.0402   Mean   :0.0084   Mean   :0.00002   Mean   :19.1  
 3rd Qu.:0.0144   3rd Qu.:0.0000   3rd Qu.:0.00000   3rd Qu.:20.8  
 Max.   :0.7073   Max.   :0.4000   Max.   :0.04878   Max.   :23.7  

Looks like 20.5 is a suitable detection limit here.

Now ready to compute the measure.

firstdate <- 53464
daterange <- 2222
detection.limit <- 20.5
lcdbi$id <- row.names(lcdbi)

Compute all the measures

uids <- lcdbi$id
nuids <- length(uids)
statmat <- NULL
types <- NULL
ids <- NULL
for(i in 1:nuids){
  olc <- lcdb[[i]]
  type <- as.character(lcdbi$type[i])
  id <- as.character(lcdbi$id[i])
  aa <- lcstats(olc,GPR,kerntype,wvec,daterange=daterange,firstdate=firstdate,detection.limit=detection.limit)
  if(is.na(aa[1])) next
  statmat <- rbind(statmat,aa)
  types <- c(types,type)
  ids <- c(ids,id)
colnames(statmat) <- c("meds", "iqr","shov", "maxdiff", "dscore","wander", "moveloc","nobs", "totvar", "quadvar", "famp", "fslope","trend",
"outl", "skewres", "std", "shapwilk", "lsd", "gscore", "mdev", "gtvar", "rm.amplitude", "rm.mean",
"rm.stddev", "rm.beyond1std", "rm.fpr20", "rm.fpr35", "rm.fpr50",
"rm.fpr65", "rm.fpr80", "rm.lintrend", "rm.maxslope", "rm.mad",
"rm.medbuf", "rm.pairslope", "rm.peramp", "rm.pdfp", "rm.skew",
"rm.kurtosis", "rm.std", "rm.rcorbor")
cmdb <- data.frame(statmat,type=types,id=ids,row.names=ids)
cmdb$lsd[is.na(cmdb$lsd) | is.infinite(cmdb$lsd)] <- min(cmdb$lsd[!is.infinite(cmdb$lsd)],na.rm=TRUE)-1
cmdb$fslope[is.infinite(cmdb$fslope)] <- 1
cmdb$wander <- NULL
cmdb$moveloc <- NULL
      meds           iqr             shov           maxdiff      
 Min.   :10.9   Min.   :0.011   Min.   :0.0079   Min.   : 0.029  
 1st Qu.:17.2   1st Qu.:0.126   1st Qu.:0.1129   1st Qu.: 0.727  
 Median :18.4   Median :0.272   Median :0.2378   Median : 1.325  
 Mean   :18.2   Mean   :0.346   Mean   :0.2900   Mean   : 1.502  
 3rd Qu.:19.4   3rd Qu.:0.515   3rd Qu.:0.4404   3rd Qu.: 1.914  
 Max.   :20.8   Max.   :5.353   Max.   :3.0197   Max.   :14.938  
     dscore            nobs         totvar           quadvar       
 Min.   :0.0007   Min.   : 41   Min.   :0.00042   Min.   :0.00000  
 1st Qu.:0.2026   1st Qu.: 95   1st Qu.:0.00735   1st Qu.:0.00010  
 Median :0.2402   Median :153   Median :0.01122   Median :0.00024  
 Mean   :0.2412   Mean   :153   Mean   :0.01276   Mean   :0.00047  
 3rd Qu.:0.2855   3rd Qu.:207   3rd Qu.:0.01603   3rd Qu.:0.00049  
 Max.   :0.3919   Max.   :360   Max.   :0.16585   Max.   :0.05561  
      famp           fslope           trend                outl      
 Min.   :0.025   Min.   :0.0017   Min.   :-1.31e-03   Min.   : 1.65  
 1st Qu.:0.430   1st Qu.:0.0303   1st Qu.:-2.54e-05   1st Qu.: 3.05  
 Median :0.674   Median :0.0477   Median : 1.38e-05   Median : 3.88  
 Mean   :0.785   Mean   :0.0588   Mean   : 1.26e-05   Mean   : 4.51  
 3rd Qu.:0.981   3rd Qu.:0.0736   3rd Qu.: 5.53e-05   3rd Qu.: 5.33  
 Max.   :9.461   Max.   :0.8910   Max.   : 1.12e-03   Max.   :16.74  
    skewres             std            shapwilk          lsd        
 Min.   :-13.663   Min.   :0.0077   Min.   :0.142   Min.   :-4.841  
 1st Qu.: -0.505   1st Qu.:0.1146   1st Qu.:0.891   1st Qu.:-2.168  
 Median : -0.056   Median :0.2307   Median :0.961   Median :-1.462  
 Mean   :  0.051   Mean   :0.2700   Mean   :0.905   Mean   :-1.616  
 3rd Qu.:  0.522   3rd Qu.:0.3944   3rd Qu.:0.982   3rd Qu.:-0.937  
 Max.   : 14.940   Max.   :2.4256   Max.   :0.999   Max.   : 1.014  
     gscore           mdev           gtvar        rm.amplitude  
 Min.   :0.000   Min.   :0.018   Min.   : 0.08   Min.   :0.023  
 1st Qu.:0.290   1st Qu.:0.428   1st Qu.: 3.39   1st Qu.:0.533  
 Median :0.325   Median :0.742   Median : 7.34   Median :0.927  
 Mean   :0.313   Mean   :0.842   Mean   : 9.51   Mean   :1.019  
 3rd Qu.:0.344   3rd Qu.:1.061   3rd Qu.:14.26   3rd Qu.:1.312  
 Max.   :0.397   Max.   :9.954   Max.   :91.82   Max.   :8.028  
    rm.mean           rm.stddev        rm.beyond1std       rm.fpr20     
 Min.   :1.00e-08   Min.   :0.00e+00   Min.   :0.0039   Min.   :0.0002  
 1st Qu.:2.00e-08   1st Qu.:0.00e+00   1st Qu.:0.1860   1st Qu.:0.1099  
 Median :5.00e-08   Median :0.00e+00   Median :0.2500   Median :0.1327  
 Mean   :2.80e-07   Mean   :3.00e-07   Mean   :0.2349   Mean   :0.1332  
 3rd Qu.:1.40e-07   3rd Qu.:0.00e+00   3rd Qu.:0.2935   3rd Qu.:0.1552  
 Max.   :1.43e-04   Max.   :1.13e-03   Max.   :0.6117   Max.   :0.8044  
    rm.fpr35         rm.fpr50         rm.fpr65         rm.fpr80     
 Min.   :0.0003   Min.   :0.0004   Min.   :0.0006   Min.   :0.0009  
 1st Qu.:0.2081   1st Qu.:0.3225   1st Qu.:0.4692   1st Qu.:0.6927  
 Median :0.2427   Median :0.3677   Median :0.5226   Median :0.7464  
 Mean   :0.2399   Mean   :0.3610   Mean   :0.5109   Mean   :0.7301  
 3rd Qu.:0.2749   3rd Qu.:0.4090   3rd Qu.:0.5706   3rd Qu.:0.7925  
 Max.   :0.8568   Max.   :0.8985   Max.   :0.9342   Max.   :0.9819  
  rm.lintrend         rm.maxslope       rm.mad         rm.medbuf    
 Min.   :-2.31e-03   Min.   :   4   Min.   :0.0054   Min.   :0.491  
 1st Qu.:-1.90e-05   1st Qu.: 125   1st Qu.:0.0617   1st Qu.:1.000  
 Median : 2.06e-05   Median : 219   Median :0.1340   Median :1.000  
 Mean   : 2.18e-05   Mean   : 292   Mean   :0.1708   Mean   :0.996  
 3rd Qu.: 7.38e-05   3rd Qu.: 368   3rd Qu.:0.2562   3rd Qu.:1.000  
 Max.   : 1.23e-03   Max.   :3183   Max.   :1.7287   Max.   :1.000  
  rm.pairslope     rm.peramp         rm.pdfp         rm.skew       
 Min.   :0.233   Min.   :     0   Min.   :  0.0   Min.   :-15.739  
 1st Qu.:0.467   1st Qu.:     1   1st Qu.:  0.3   1st Qu.: -0.809  
 Median :0.500   Median :     1   Median :  0.7   Median :  0.039  
 Mean   :0.504   Mean   :    30   Mean   :  1.0   Mean   : -0.158  
 3rd Qu.:0.533   3rd Qu.:     3   3rd Qu.:  1.3   3rd Qu.:  0.609  
 Max.   :0.767   Max.   :982923   Max.   :789.1   Max.   : 15.095  
  rm.kurtosis         rm.std         rm.rcorbor     type      
 Min.   :  1.13   Min.   :0.0105   Min.   :0.0000   nv:50000  
 1st Qu.:  3.39   1st Qu.:0.1427   1st Qu.:0.0000   tr:50000  
 Median :  5.04   Median :0.2712   Median :0.0000             
 Mean   : 11.35   Mean   :0.3191   Mean   :0.0021             
 3rd Qu.: 10.49   3rd Qu.:0.4570   3rd Qu.:0.0000             
 Max.   :267.98   Max.   :2.7188   Max.   :0.4035             
 1001004000494:    1  
 1001004000570:    1  
 1001004000817:    1  
 1001004001311:    1  
 1001004001396:    1  
 1001004002575:    1  
 (Other)      :99994  
for(i in 1:(ncol(cmdb)-2)){
   plot(cmdb[,i] ~ cmdb$type, main=names(cmdb)[i])

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cmdbig <- cmdb