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South West Structural Biology Consortium Meeting 2024: 1st-2nd July

The South West Structural Biology Consortium (SWSBC) was initiated by Prof. Jenny Littlechild and Prof. Leo Brady as a forum where the structural biology groups in the South West could come together to present research and network. Since that beginning in Exeter, the Consortium has expanded to include researchers interested in structural biology from the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter, Reading, Southampton, Sussex and Portsmouth, with an annual meeting moving between the cities.

The 22nd annual SWSBC meeting will be held at the University of Bath from Monday 1st to Tuesday 2nd of July.


Registration is £20, which includes lunches and refreshments during the meeting (excluding the conference dinner). We are grateful for the generous support from CCP4 and commercial sponsors who will be exhibiting at the meeting.

The conference dinner will be held at Hall & Woodhouse, 1 Old King Street, Bath BA1 2JW on the evening of 1st July and tickets are on sale for £30.

Accommodation is available in student halls at £49 for the night of 1st July.

The absolute deadline for registration is 12th June, but please register early.


We would very much like to encourage presentations from postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Please submit your abstracts for posters and oral presentations as soon as possible, with the final deadline being 12th June.