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Electromagnetic Waves

Light is a propagating electromagnetic wave, i.e. a wave that is composed of two oscillating fields - one of them is electric and the other magnetic.

For simplicity, here, we will consider only the electric field. For a light wave propagating along the positive Cartesian z direction, its oscillation can then be expressed by a cosine function:


where A is the amplitude of the wave, z is the spatial coordinate, t is time, k is the wave number and w is the angular frequency. The wave number is defined as k = 2p / l and ensures that, at any fixed time, the spatial representation of the wave will have a periodicity of l, that is, the wavelength of light. The angular frequency w =2p / T ensures that at any given location, the number of radians of the wave per unit time correspond to the light wave period (T). The ratio l/T is the speed at which the shape of the wave is moving, i.e., the speed at which any fixed phase of the cycle is displaced. Hence it is called the phase velocity and is denoted by vP. Consequently, vP = w / k. The minus sign in Eq.1 means that if we hold t constant and increase z we are moving towards the positive z direction along the cosine function, whereas if we focus on a fixed spatial location and allow time to increase, we are effectively moving towards the negative z direction along the function (or rather, the function is moving towards the positive z and we are stationary).

In figure 1 it is shown that linearly polarized light (blue arrow) can be represented as a combination of left (s - ) and right (s + ) circularly polarized light (black arrows). As you can see, the latter have equal amplitudes and angular velocities.

Fig. 1 Linearly polarized light as a combination of left (s - ) and right (s + ) circularly polarized light.

When light encounters a material medium, it interacts with the electric fields in the atoms and molecules. As a result the electromagnetic wave is affected by a quantity known as the complex refractive index. This is a complex number defined by where the real part is called the refractive index while the imaginary part is the extinction coefficient. Physically, k corresponds to a measure of how much a substance scatters and absorbs electromagnetic radiation and affects A in Eq.1. As for n, it indicates the reduction of the speed of light in the material. Depending on the particular material, light can interact with either n, or k , or both.

© V. K. Valev

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