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Polar & Transverse MOKE

13.1 Polar geometry

In the polar configuration case, . Following the same reasoning as in the previous part of the tutorial, we obtain the eigenvectors corresponding to left and right circularly polarized light and eigenvalues for the refractive index:


13.2 Transverse geometry

In the transverse configuration, . Equation 11.5 becomes:


This leads to:


With the obvious solutions:


Note that for the first order of , the two eigenvalues are the same and therefore there is no difference in refractive index for left and right circularly polarized light to the first order of . However, a “Kerr rotation-like” effect can still be observed in the transverse configuration if the polarization of the incoming light is in an intermediate position between S and P. In that case, if there is a different amplitude and/or phase change for the S and P components, the net result will be a rotation and/or ellipticity variation.

In the following we shall therefore establish the expressions of the MOKE angles for S and P polarized light.

© V. K. Valev

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