01/02/16 Michela Buscemi joins our group as a PhD student
15/09/15 Greg Moody joins our group as a PhD student
17/08/15 Anita Zeidler is awarded a Royal Society/EPSRC Dorothy Hodgkin fellowship.
28/05/15 Our paper on the equation of state of TiZr is published in High Press Res. 27/05/15 Keiron Pizzey successfully passes his PhD viva. Congratulations, Keiron!
06/03/15 Our Topical Review in JPCM (Networks under pressure: the development of in situ high- pessure neutron diffraction for glassy and liquid materials) is published.
01/03/15 The influence of our work on geoscience research is highlighted in an article in Geoscientist and leads to a front cover picture.
01/01/15 Our JNCS (Structure of the network glass-former ZnCl2: From the boiling point to the glass) is published.
23/09/14 Our PRL (High-Pressure Transformation of SiO2 Glass from a Tetrahedral to an Octahedral Network: A Joint Approach Using Neutron Diffraction and Molecular Dynamics) is published.
15/07/14 Our PNAS (Packing and the structural transformations in liquid and amorphous oxides from ambient to extreme conditions) is published.
28/05/14 Anita Zeidler with the help of the IoP Liquids and Complex Fluids Group organises the one-day meeting “Structural Transformations in Amorphous Materials” in Bath.
10/04/14 Anita Zeidler receives the “2014 B. T. M. Willis Prize” of the IoP and RSC Neutron Scattering Group.
16/01/14 Anita Zeidler gives a talk entitled “Was ist Glas” to the Bath German Society (part of the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution).
02/01/14 Anita Zeidler receives the “Liquids and Complex Fluids Early Career Award” 2013 from the IoP.
30/09/13 Annalisa Polidori joins our group as a PhD student.
25/09/13 Kamil Wezka successfully passes his PhD viva. Congratulations, Kamil!
12/08/13 Our invited review article appears in PCCP.
03/01/13 Our collaboration with Lawrie Skinner leads to a publication in PRB.
17/12/12 Our research is covered in the ILL news.
05/12/12 Our collaboration with former PhD student James Drewitt lead to a publication in PRL.
03/12/12 Our levitation work which was done in collaboration with James Drewitt is highlighted in the
21/11/12 Our research on the bound coherent neutron scattering lengths of the oxygen isotopes is published and highlighted as IOPselect.
19/11/12 Our research on the network collapse of GeO2 under pressure is highlighted as IOPselect. Read more about it in this Labtalk article. 01/10/12 Ruth Rowlands joins our group as a PhD student.
25/09/12 Our research on structural transformations in GeO2 glass with pressure is highlighted as IOPselect. Read more about it in this Labtalk article.
27/06/12 The proceedings of the 8th Liquid Matter Conference at which Anita gave a talk have finally appeared in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter featuring a detailed account of our water experiment.
22/06/12 Our reply to a comment by Soper and Benmore is published in PRL.
22/02/12 The PRB (Structure and triclustering in Ba-Al-O glass) which resulted from a collaboration with Bristol is published.
28/05/12 Dean submits his thesis and will now start a Teach First course.
2011 See here.
Last updated: 28/08/2015 |