Volumes Edited Salmon P S, Jund P, Massobrio C and Vashishta P eds. Atomic Structure and Transport in Glassy Networks 2003 Special Issue of J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15 pp S1509-S1671.
Salmon P S ed. Third Liquid Matter Conference 1996 Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vol. 20B (European Physical Society: Geneva).
Salmon P S, Enderby J E, Evans R and Pusey P N eds. Proceedings of the Third Liquid Matter Conference 1996 Special Issue of J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 8 pp 9103 -9674.
Articles in Books Salmon P S and Zeidler A The Atomic-Scale Structure of Network Glass-Forming Materials in Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Disordered Materials: From Network Glasses to Phase-Change Memory Alloys 2015 ed Massobrio C, Du J, Bernasconi M, Salmon P S, volume 215 of Springer Series in Materials Science (Cham Switzerland), pp 1-31 (ISBN: 978-3-319-15674-3).
Salmon P S, Structure of network forming liquids and glasses in Rigidity and Boolchand Intermediate Phases in Nanomaterials 2009 ed M Micoulaut and M Popescu, volume 6 of Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (Bucharest, Romania: INOE) pp 65-104 (ISBN 978-973-88109-4-5).
Fischer H E, Salmon P S and Barnes A C Combined neutron and x-ray diffraction for structural studies of liquids and glasses in Proceedings of the ILL Millennium Symposium & European User Meeting 2001 ed. A J Dianoux, I Volino and A Cross (Grenoble, France: ILL) pp 103-104.
Salmon P S Structure of Chalcogenide Glasses by Neutron Diffraction: Fast-Ionic Versus Semiconducting Behaviour in Proceedings of XVIII International Congress on Glass 1998 ed. M K Choudhary, N T Huff and C H Drummond III (Westerville, Ohio: American Ceramic Society) D6, pp 1- 10 (CD-ROM, ISBN 1-57498-053-X).
Benmore C J and Salmon P S The accuracy of partial structure factors for glassy materials as measured by using neutron diffraction in Methods in the Determination of Partial Structure Factors of Disordered Matter by Neutron and Anomalous X-ray Diffraction 1993 ed. J B Suck, P Chieux, D Raoux and C Riekel (Singapore: World Scientific) 30-33.
Salmon P S and Benmore C J Structure of melt-quenched chalcogenide glasses using the method of isotopic substitution in neutron diffraction in Recent Developments in the Physics of Fluids 1992 ed. Howells W S and Soper A K (Bristol: Adam Hilger) F225-F232.
Penfold I T, Salmon P S, Jensen K O and Coleman P G Positron lifetime studies of selenium in Positron Annihilation 1989 ed. Dorikens-Vanpraet L, Dorikens M and Segers D (Singapore: World Scientific) 725-727.
Other Work Zeidler A, Wezka K, Rowlands R F, Whittaker D A J, Salmon P S, Polidori A, Drewitt J W E, Klotz S, Fischer H E, Wilding M C, Bull C L, Tucker M G, Wilson M, Networks under pressure, ISIS Annual Review 2015 (2015), pp. 16.
Zeidler A, Salmon P S, Skinner L B, Fischer H E, Packing and the structural transformations in liquid and amorphous oxides from ambient to extreme conditions, 2014 ILL Annual Report, pp. 26-27.
Drewitt J W E, Hennet L, Zeidler A, Salmon P S, Jahn S, Neuville D R, Fischer H E, Fragile glass-formers reveal their structural secrets, 2013 ILL Annual Report, pp. 36-37.
Salmon P S, Zeidler A, Klotz S, Fischer H E, Glasses and liquids respond to positive pressure, 2012 ILL News 57 pp. 6-7.
Zeidler A, Salmon P S, Fischer H E, Neuefeind J C, Simonson J M, Lemmel H, Rauch H, Markland T E, Oxygen as a Site Specific Probe of the Structure of Water and Oxide Materials, 2011 ILL Annual Report, pp.46-47.
Zeidler A, Salmon P S, Usuki T Structure of liquid and glassy ZnCl2 2011 SPring-8 Research Frontiers pp. 102-103.
Barnes A C, Farmer T O, Fischer H E, Dewhurst C D, Kozaly J, Salmon P S Turning up the heat on the liquid-liquid transition 2011 ILL Annual Report, pp. 048-049.
Drewitt J W E, Salmon P S, Barnes A C, Klotz S, Fischer H E and Crichton W A Structure of GeO2 glass at pressures up to 8 GPa 2009 ILL Annual Report, pp 52-53.
Hannon A C, Salmon P S, Soper A K Proceedings of the International workshop on current challenges in liquid and glass science, (The Cosener’s house, Abingdon 10-12 January 2007) - Preface 2007 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 410301.
Salmon P S, Martin R A, Mason P E and Cuello G J, Ordering in network glasses at intermediate and extended length scales 2005 ILL Annual Report, pp 34-35.
Martin R A, Salmon P S, Fischer H E and Cuello G J Relative distribution of rare-earth ions in phosphate glasses 2003 ILL Annual Report, pp 64-65.
Petri I, Salmon P S and Fischer H E Structure of the binary network glass GeSe2 1998 ILL Annual Report ed Büttner H G and Leadbetter A J, pp 52-53. The work features on the front page of the Annual Report.
Barnes A C, Lague S B, Hamilton M, Fischer H, Howells W S and Salmon P S Structure and dynamics of liquid Ag2Se 1997 ILL Annual Report ed Büttner H G and Leadbetter A J, pp 32-33.
Salmon P S Liquid Assets EPSRC Newsline, November 1996 (EPSRC: Swindon) p 23.
Salmon P S Fast-ion conducting versus semiconducting behaviour in glassy systems 1994 ISIS Annual Report, Volume 1, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Report RAL-94-050, pp 89-92. |