The Bristol Liquids Group in 1984

John Enderby,

Neal Skipper,

Stewart Cummings,

George Neilson,

Phil Gullidge,

Terry Owen,

Adrian Barnes,

Sue Biggin,

Mark Welland and

Phil Salmon

(left to right).

Text Box: The story so far…

Prof Philip S Salmon CPhys, FInstP




University of Bristol:                     BSc and PhD

University of Exeter:                     Research Fellow

University of East Anglia:            ‘New Blood’ Lecturer,                                                                       Senior Lecturer

University of Bath:                       Senior Lecturer, Reader, Professor


Some External Activities:

· 1988 - 98: Committee member of the Institute of Physics and the Faraday Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Neutron Scattering Group

· 1989 - 96: Representative of the liquid and amorphous materials user group on the ISIS User Support Sub-Committee

· 1990 - 91: ISIS experimental selection panel

· 1993 - 96: Local committee chairman and member of the International Programme Committee for the Third Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society (EPS)

· 1994: ISIS International Science Advisory Committee

· 1995: Chairman of the syndicate session on Liquid and Amorphous Systems at the UK Neutron and Muon Beam Users' Meeting (University of Manchester).

· 1996 - 00: Liquids Board of the European Physical Society and international programme committee of the Fourth Liquid Matter Conference

· 1997 - 00: ISIS User Committee

· 1997 - 01: Liquids and Soft Matter Editorial Board of the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter

· 1999 - 01: Subcommittee 6, Institut Laue-Langevin (beam time allocation)

· 2001 - present: Founder member of the Liquids Group of the Institute of Physics.  Presently Secretary and Treasurer of this group.

· 2002 - present: ISIS Scheduling Panel ISP 2: Liquids (beam time allocation)

· 2004: Founder member of ‘The Structure of Amorphous Materials Group’ of the Society of Glass Technology