Relationships in Schools

This is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers to any of the questions. Each student will have different opinions, thoughts, and feelings about different issues or situations. We are interested in your experiences and what you think about certain relations with friends, family, and at school. We hope you will find these questions interesting.
1. For each incomplete sentence, indicate with a check mark whether you think that each sentence completion choice is VERY BAD, BAD, GOOD, or VERY GOOD.
2. Next, check the letter (a, b, c, or d) of the choice that you think is the best in the box provided.
It is good to work hard in school because:
(You may check the same rating more than once)
Very Bad Bad Good Very Good
a. you might win an award.
b. you don’t have a choice about being there, so you might as well
c. you will feel good about yourself
d. it will make your parents happy
Now check the one you think is the best choice.