Danaë Emma Beckford Stanton Fraser (under construction)


BA (Hons) PhD CPsychol

Reader in Psychology  


Dr. Stanton Fraser is a Reader in Psychology at the University of Bath where she leads the CREATE group evaluating novel technologies and studying their effects on collaborative learning. Dr. Stanton Fraser was principal investigator of the JISC-funded SENSE project exploring children’s use of pollution monitoring sensors for understanding environmental impact. She is an investigator on the EPSRC Cityware programme, evaluating collaborative impacts of mobile technologies on children and adults across heritage environments and an investigator on the DTI/EPSRC Participate project exploring pervasive computing for mass participation in environmental monitoring. Working in an interdisciplinary environment, she has published over 65 papers in JEP Applied, Behavioural Brain Research, Ergonomics, Memory and Cognition, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing and at the ACM CHI, CSCL and PD conferences. Dr. Stanton Fraser has obtained funding from the DTI, EPSRC, ESRC, British Telecom, Stroke Association, Scope and JISC.





Research grants

PhD Students




    4th Year Undergraduate course 2011:


-   Children and Technology





Telephone:                 0044 (0)1225 386023

Fax:                             0044 (0)1225 386752

E-mail Address:         D.StantonFraser AT bath.ac.uk

Postal Address:


Dr Danaë Stanton Fraser
2 South,
Dept of Psychology,
University of Bath,
United Kingdom

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