Earthquake Simulator: SDOF

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Welcome to Earthquake simulator, this web applet lets you create a single degree of freedom structure and subject it to an earthquake. Click start to begin and click or drag the sliders to adjust your structures geometry and your earthquakes frequency, duration, and maximum acceleration. You can also adjust the scale of the horizontal displacements to make them more visible. Once these are set click run to begin.

To get back to the options menu just click on the reset button at any time. Click the Save button to save the maximum base acceleration, displacement, base shear force, and set up options to a .csv file.

To save the full time acceleration and displacement history click on the print button to print this to the console then highlight and copy and paste this into a text editor. Now save this as a .csv file and it will no be in a table when opened again in excel.

WARNING: Using the print button can slow down some browsers due to the volume of numbers being printed

Source code: Earthquake_Simulator_SDOF

Built with Processing and Processing.js