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This simulator reproduces the force of gravity acting on elastic strings to find an optimal gridshell shape.

It also gives data to the user about the height of the space created and the length of the members of the structure

Choose or change the parameters below to edit the gridshell of the tent shelter .

choose the shape of your shelter

in a later stage other shapes will be built

choose the width of your tent shelter

type the width in meters on your keyboard (E.G default = 8)
The possible values can be found in the drop down menu below

choose the number of openings

To create openings:

press the "n" key to open the North side
press the "s" key to open the South side
press the "e" key to open the East side
press the "W" key to open the West side

To close openings:

press the "m" key to close the North side
press the "d" key to close the South side
press the "r" key to close the East side
press the "q" key to close the West side

turn gravity on and off

by pressing the SPACE BAR, gravity can be turned ON and OFF

rotate the view

the arrow keys are used to rotate the view

Elasticity of the fabric

CTRL key= increases the elasticity
ALT key= reduces the elasticity

Source code: gridshell_tent_final

Built with Processing and Processing.js