This simulation models laminar flow around a floating breakwater wave energy converter, assuming incompressible and non-viscous fluid. Press 'ENTER' to toggle incident waves on-off. Press 'SPACE' to toggle particle trace on-off. Use 'UP' and 'DOWN' to control incident wave height. Use 'LEFT' and 'RIGHT' to control wave period.Mathematical Model
Component velocities for laminar flow around a stationary circular body can be calculated using: To account for changing breakwater position, Equation 5 and Equation 6 were modified to give: The Runge-Kutta Method (of fourth order) was used to numerically integrate the ordinary differential equations, allowing the velocity components to be varied with time. This was undertaken for both the x- and y- components and is described with: Reference: Wolfram Alpha: Runge-Kutta MethodSource code: AR40445_JB2240_CW2
Built with Processing and Processing.js