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This simulation allows you to observe the effect of predatory pressure on the resource finding capabilities of multiple, heterogenous swarms. In doing so, it recreates predator/prey and leader/follower relationships in between different swarm types, as opposed to within a swarm as is commonly seen in flocking literature. The Prey Search Agents are performing the resource finding task of trying to 'fix' the vulnerabilities given support by the Prey Resource Agents. Meanwhile the Predator Agents are trying to 'kill' all prey agents. These predator agents are warded off by the Prey Defender Agents. Any agents that are killed, as well as vulnerabilities that become fixed are subsequently removed from the simulation. By varying the agent parameter values, you can see what is required to allow the Prey Search Agents to complete their task before their population is killed.

Source code: DroneBehaviour2D_180507_MoodleUpload interface.js

Built with Processing and Processing.js