Have you ever wondered about roughly how fast a hyperloop could get you from a place of your choice to another place of your choice?
Or indeed, roughly how much such a system might cost? Well at long last you can find out!

To design your route, click on the map below along the path that you would like it to take. Right click to place a station, and press 'r' to reset.

You can see the cost estimate of the system updating on the right hand panel as you click. Play around with different routes to see if you can find a cheaper layout for your infrastructure!

Once you're happy with your route, press 'enter' and scroll down to see the velocity time profile that a hyperloop would have for that route in comparison to HS2, a car and a horse!
You can even see the real time speed that such a system would have if you were sat in it right now.

by David Hayes

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Source code: Hyperloop_Builder

Built with Processing and Processing.js