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Cancer Diagnostics: Parallel Sensing of Prostate Cancer Biomarkers


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“Clinical perspectives and commercial forces on biosensor devices”

University of Bath, 17-18 September 2014


You are cordially invited to attend a PROSENSE workshop entitled “Clinical perspectives and commercial forces on biosensor devices” with a particular focus on prostate cancer.

This workshop has been designed to provide an overview on clinical needs and commercial viability of biosensor devices for prostate cancer diagnosis and it will comprise 3 strands:

a) An insight into clinical practice by following a “patient” through his journey with prostate cancer: from presentation of symptoms at the GP level, investigation by urologists, testing and tissue histology by hospital technicians and pathologists, post treatment follow up, and patient overview.

b) Issues related to commercialisation of biosensor devices for the diagnostics market.

c) Lectures on topics related to biological aspects relevant to cancer diagnostic devices (prostate cancer biomarkers, microRNAs and splicing, DNA/RNA and peptide aptamers)


Registration fee for the full workshop: £60. This will allow you access to all presentations outlined in the programme, lunches, refreshments and attendance at the workshop reception.

Workshop Dinner (Wednesday): £40

Registration site: tba








Tuesday 16th September 2014


19.00 – 20:30                PROSENSE Reception at the Roman Baths



Wednesday 17th September 2014


08.30 – 09.00                Registration / coffee


09.00 – 11.00                Prostate Cancer Clinical Awareness Session


11.00 – 11.15                Coffee break


11.15 – 12.45                Prostate Cancer Clinical Awareness Session


12.45 – 13.45                Lunch & Poster Session


13.45 – 15.15                Prostate Cancer Clinical Awareness Session


15.15 – 16.00                Coffee break & Poster Session


16.00 – 18.00                Topical Lectures: Prostate Cancer Biomarkers and microRNAs


20.00                            Workshop Dinner (Hall & Woodhouse)



Thursday 18th September 2014


08.30 – 09.00                Registration / coffee


09.00 – 11.00                Biosensor Commercialisation Session


11.00 – 11.15                Coffee break


11.15 – 13.00                Biosensor Commercialisation Session


13.00 – 14.00                Lunch & Poster Session


14.00 – 16.00                Topical Lectures: Aptamers



Full programme can be found here



This Workshop is part of a PROSENSE Summer School, Bath, 15-19 September 2014