

Semiconductor Device Analyser

*    Agilent Technologies: B1500A Semiconductor Device Parameter Analyzer with Multi Frequency Capacitance Measurement Unit (MFCMU) and SMU CMU Unify Unit (SCUU)

*    Wentworth: MP0901 manual micro analytical probe station

*    JMicro Technology: KRN-10S micropositioners


Potentiostats with Frequency Response Analyser

*    Autolab Metrohm: uAUTOLAB III/FRA2

*    Ivium Technologies: CompactStat

*    Ivium Technologies: pocketStat


Quartz Crystal Microbalance

*    openQCM: microfluidic quartz crystal microbalance

*    JLM Innovation: 10 MHz / 30 MHz JLMQ 4-channel


Surface Plasmon Resonance

*    Reichert: SR7000DC with autosampler and electrochemical cell


Localised Surface Plasmon Resonance (in-house setup)

*    Ocean Optics: USB4000 Fibre Optic Spectrometer / 360-2000nm source / UV-VIS reflection probe / SpectraSuite

*    Arcus Technology: DMX-A2-DRV Integrated Advanced Step Motor / ACE-SXE Advanced Stand-Alone Step Motor Controller


Open Circuit Potential Measurement Setup (in-house built)

*    National Instruments: INA116 Instrumentation Amplifier ...

*    National Instruments: USB-6009 14-Bit 48 kS/s low-cost multifunction DAQ


Sample handling and characterisation

*    Spectrophotometer with temperature analysis system (Shimadzu UV-1800 / TMSPC-8)

*    Micro-volume Spectrophotometer (Jenway Genova Nano)

*    Contact angle measurement system (in-house built)

*    Peristaltic pumps (Watson-Marlow 323Du with 318 MC 5-channel microcassette pumphead; Watson-Marlow 101U/R)

*    Syringe pump (KD Scientific 230-CE)

*    Rheodyne MXX778-605 10-channel digital valve; Dolomite mitos fluika microfluidic 4-channel pressure control valve; Dolomite mitos fluika low vacuum generator pump

*    UV/Ozone cleaner (BioForce ProCleaner)

*    SPS 150i digital programmable spin coater with syringe dispense system

*    Dino-lite digital USB microscope with JMicro Technology KRN-10S micropositioners


Sample preparation chemical lab

*    Fume hoods (Labcaire Aura 250e recirculating fume cupboard; Felcon ductless fume cupboard with HEPA and carbon filtration)

*    Laminar flow cabinet

*    Ultra high pure water (Millipore Direct-Q 5 UV Type 1* DI water purification system with Biopak ultrafilter; Millipore Automatic Sanitization Module 60L Type 3 DI water purification reservoir)

*    Centrifuges and shakers (Eppendorf MiniSpin centrifuge; IKA Loopster Eppendorf rotator; IKA Rocker 3D digital platform shaker; IKA Vortex 3 shakers)

*    Range of Eppendorf Research plus adjustable pipettes

*    Autoclave (MDS Medical LF/12 automated)

*    pH meter (Mettler Toledo SevenCompact S220 pH/ion meter)

*    Balance (Ohaus Pioneer 0.1 mg)

*    Ultrasonic bath (Fisherbrand FB 15047 heated)

*    Hot plates and magnetic stirrers (IKA RET control-visc digital hotplate-stirrer with pH probe and viscosity measurement; IKA RH digital hot plate-stirrer; IKA ETS-D5 digital precision contact thermometer with PID control; IKA DB2 digital dry block heater)

*    Desiccators (Fisher manual <3L Desi-Vac; Fisher automatic 12L Desi-Vac)>

*    -30 C freezer; fridges

*    Ultra low temperature freezers (Fryka B35-85 35L -81 C; Fryka TUS50 100L -50 C)

*    Digital oven (Memmert UN30 30L)

*    Heated circulating bath (Grant TX150)


Simulation software

*    COMSOL Multiphysics and Electrochemistry Module