Nick McCullen

- Full Name:
- Dr. Nick McCullen
- Office:
- 6 East 4.5
- Research Unit:
- Energy and the Design of Environments (EDEn)
- Department:
- Dept of Architecture and Civil Engineering
- Job Title:
- Lecturer (Building Physics, Low Carbon Design)
- Telephone:
- +44 (0)1225 384789
- E-mail Address:
- Postal Address:
Dr Nick McCullen
Dept of Architecture and Civil Engineering
University of Bath
United Kingdom
- Resources:
- Programmes & Codes, LaTeX, Python, &c.
- External Home Page:
Outputs, Publications &c.:
- In the Media:
- "What Math Can Tell Us About Technology's Spread Through Cities"
Article in "the Atlantic Cities" online magazine.
Interview also reported by Government Technology magazine as "Can Math Help Cities Make Greener Decisions?".
- "How does innovation take hold in a community? Math modeling can provide clues"
Public awareness press release by SIAM. Reprinted here, there and elsewhere...
- Public Engagement:
Future cities: do they all add up?,
Edinburgh International Science Festival Presented by the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences,
Sunday 3 April 2016,
Red Lecture Theatre,
Stall Demonstrator:
Summer Science Exhibition,
The Royal Society Festival of Science + Arts,
25th Jun - 4th July 2010,
Royal Festival Hall,
Southbank Centre,
Bath Taps Into Science festival

- Journal Articles:
"Integrating the energy costs of urban transport and buildings"
Bruno Osório, Nick McCullen, Ian Walker, David Coley.
Sustainable Cities and Society, 32 (2017): 669–681
"Pattern Formation on Networks:from Localised Activity to Turing Patterns"
McCullen, N. and Wagenknecht, T.
Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 27397, 2016 (Journal Link)
"Harnessing social networks for promoting adoption of energy technologies in the domestic sector"
Catherine S. E. Bale, Nicholas J. McCullen, Timothy J. Foxon, Alastair M. Rucklidge, William F. Gale,
Energy Policy.
Volume 63, December 2013, Pages 833-844. (Journal Link)
"Modeling diffusion of energy innovations on a heterogeneous social network and approaches to integration of real-world data" (preprint)
Catherine S. E. Bale, Nicholas J. McCullen, Timothy J. Foxon, Alastair M. Rucklidge, William F. Gale,
19 March 2014. (Journal Link)
"Multi-parameter models of innovation diffusion on complex networks"
N. J. McCullen, A. M. Rucklidge, C. S. E. Bale, T. J. Foxon, W. F. Gale,
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 12(1), 515–532. (2013). (Journal Link)
"The Origin of Power-Law Emergent Scaling in Large Binary Networks". (preprint link)
D. P. Almond, C. J. Budd, M. A. Freitag, G. W. Hunt, N. J. McCullen and N. D. Smith,
Volume 392, Issue 4, 15 February 2013, Pages 1004–1027. (published article)
"A Dynamical Model of Decision-Making Behaviour in a Network of Consumers with Applications to Energy Choices". (preprint link)
N. J. McCullen, M. V. Ivanchenko, V. D. Shalfeev and W. F. Gale,
Int. J. Bif. Chaos, Vol. 21, No. 9, 1-14 (2011). (published article)
"Route to hyperchaos in a system of coupled oscillators with multistability"
N. J. McCullen and P. Moresco,
Phys. Rev. E 83, 046212 (2011)
"Emergent Behaviour in Large Electrical Networks". (preprint link)
Darryl P. Almond, Chris J. Budd and and Nick J. McCullen,
Pages 3-26 in
Approximation Algorithms for Complex Systems:
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Algorithms for Approximation,
Ambleside, Uk, 31st August-4th September 2009. (Springer 2011)
"The robustness of the emergent scaling property of random RC network models of complex materials"
N. J. McCullen, D. P. Almond, C. J. Budd and G. W. Hunt,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 (2009) 064001. BICS Preprint 11/08 (2008)
"Sensitive Signal Detection Using a Feed-Forward Oscillator Network"
N. J. McCullen, T. Mullin and M. Golubitsky,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 98, 254101 (2007)
"Method for measuring unstable dimension variability from time series"
N. J. McCullen and P. Moresco,
Phys. Rev. E, 73, 046203 (2006)
- Conference Organisation:
- FutureBuild 2013, University of Bath, 4th - 6th September, 2013.
- Mini-symposium on Urban Dynamics, Tuesday, 21st May.
As part of SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, Utah, USA, May 19-23 2013.
Emergence in Complex Systems, University of Bath, 9th-11th September 2008.
- Talks:
- Public Talk Low Carbon South West Business Breakfast. The Guild Hub, Bath, 23rd September 2014. SLIDES (PDF)
- CoSyDy meeting on Dynamics of Energy Networks, University of Bath. 12 Sept 2014
- Invited talk at Dielectrics 2013, University of Reading, 10th April 2013
- Invited Seminar, The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, UCL, London, 6 February 2013
- BAMC 2012: Invited mini-symposium on social modelling, UCL, London. 28 March 2012
- CoSyDy: "Evolution and diversity in complex systems", Univ. Leeds. 2 March 2012
- IMA Seminar Series, University of Nottingham. 22 November 2011
- PANDA Meeting, University of Nottingham. 19 September 2011
- SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, Utah, USA. 22-26 May 2011
- PANDA Meeting, University of Surrey. 6 April 2011
- IMA Seminar Series, University of Nottingham. 22 March 2011
- LAND Seminar, University of Leeds. 4 May 2010
- Complexity Seminar, BICS, Bath. 7 December 2009
- The Future for Complexity Science, University of Bath, 15 September 2009
- Int'l Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, University of Bristol. 22 July 2009
- Dielectrics '09, University of Reading. 15-17 Apr 2009
- Emergence in Complex Systems, University of Bath. 9-11 Sept 2008
- Bristol Centre for Applied Nonlinear Mathematics, University of Bristol. 23 May 2008
- British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, University of Manchester. 1 April 2008
- Workshop: "The Maths of Complex Systems: Where are heading?", BICS. 6 Feb 2008
- Bath Institute for Complex Systems, University of Bath. 16 April 2007
- Nonlinear and Liquid Crystal Physics Group, University of Manchester. 10 May 2006
- British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Keele University. 24-27 April 2006