Yao Yao


Aggregation-diffusion equation: symmetry, uniqueness and non-uniqueness of steady states

The aggregation-diffusion equation is a nonlocal PDE that arises in the collective motion of cells. Mathematically, it is driven by two competing effects: local repulsion modeled by nonlinear diffusion, and long-range attraction modeled by nonlocal interaction. In this talk, I will discuss several qualitative properties of its steady states and dynamical solutions. Using continuous Steiner symmetrization techniques, we show that all steady states are radially symmetric up to a translation. (joint work with Carrillo, Hittmeir and Volzone). Once the symmetry is known, we further investigate whether steady states are unique within the radial class, and show that for a given mass, the uniqueness/non-uniqueness of steady states is determined by the power of the degenerate diffusion, with the critical power being m = 2. (joint work with Delgadino and Yan).