I am currently involved in the following projects
Managing Knowledge in Professional Service Firms This project sponsored by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development examines how different kinds of professional service firms combine the various forms of capital which exist inside their organisation. The research, which is in collaboration with Dr Juani Swart, began in May 2004 and will be completed by February 2006.
People and Performance This research, which is in collaboration with other members of WERC, involves working on the data collected over a five year period as part of the CIPD sponsored project 'People and Performance' which explored the links between People Management policies, practices and processes and the performance of the business broadly defined. In addition I am also engaged in the detailed analysis of a series of measures of performance and employee attitudes over five years in a large financial services firm, again in collaboration with members of WERC.
Global Call Centre Project This project is co-ordinated by Rose Batt at Cornell University and involves a co-ordinated study of HRM issues in call centres in 15 countries. The local research involves a study of call centres in Ireland in collaboration with Maeve Houlihan at UCD and Stephen Deery of King’s College London. |
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be directed to [mnsnjk@management.bath.ac.uk]. |