Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies, The University of Bath


Dr Steve Wharton

Availability and movements during student Summer Vacation 2024
03 June-27 September; the University is closed Summer Bank Holiday Monday 26 August, and University Discretionary Day Tuesday 27th



In the period 20 August-17 September inclusive, all activities listed below shall be undertaken virtually save where otherwise indicated.


I shall be happy to meet online via Teams or Zoom ; e-mail me to make any such arrangements.


Although the 2023/2024 academic year finishes from a teaching perspective over the Summer once the semester ends on 31 May, the student vacation sees staff involved in a variety of research- and administration-related activities including marking of assessments. When not otherwise indicated, I am normally working as/from home and checking e-mail three times a day, and am reachable via Teams or Zoom (e-mail me to arrange a mutually convenient time for a call if there is no green tick indicating I am online).


Known commitments at time of writing (19 August; previous commitments in previous weeks removed) are:


Week of 03 June

Marking plus


Monday 03 June

External Examining duties, Aston University

15.00 Routes into Languages Translation Bee Regional Finals


Tuesday 04 June

10.20 Dissertation discussion

11.00 Departmental Coffee Morning

13.30 LanGW4 preparatory meeting (Zoom)

16.15 Meeting (Zoom)


Wednesday 05 June

At University of Cardiff all day before

19.00 PoLIS Finalist Ball, Roman Baths


Thursday 06 June

16.30 Dissertation discussion (Teams)


Friday 07 June

18.00 Friends of Victoria Art Gallery AGM


Sunday 09 June

Badminton Summer Fete


Week of 10 June

Marking plus


Monday 10 June

10.45-15.00 on campus including marking moderation


Tuesday 11 June

11.00 Meeting (Teams)

12.45 Meeting (Teams)


Wednesday 12 June

13.00 BsEU for Finalist students (Teams)


Friday 14 and Saturday 15 June

University Open Days


Monday 17 June

On campus 09.10-11.55 including External Examining duties, Aston University


Tuesday 18 June

12.30 Vice Chancellor lunch meeting

18.00 Reform Club Member Forum (Zoom)

19.15 Dinner with visiting academic


Wednesday 19 June

Working in London before

18.00 Reform Club Conservation Charitable Trust


Thursday 20 to Monday 24 June

Byron Bicentenary Conference, Rome


Tuesday 25 June

Returning from Rome


Wednesday 26 June

BsEU for continuing atudents am/pm

13.15 PoLIS end of year Staff Meeting

15.15 Academic Assembly AMA on DDAT (Teams)

18.00 Reform Club General Committee, London


Thursday 27 June

LanGW4 Conference including Round Table on the Year Abroad

19.00 French Section farewell to Claudine


Friday 28 June

16.00 Badminton School Board of Governors


Saturday 29 June

Celebrating Badminton Day, Badminton School





Monday 01 July

19.00 Badminton Year 7 Musical


Tuesday 02 July

10.00 Continuing BsEP for IMML


Wednesday 03 July

11.00 Dissertation discussion (Teams)

13.00 Continuing BsEP for ML

14.15 School of Management Board of Studies (Teams)


Thursday 04 July

19.30 Working dinner, Reform Club


Friday 05 July

UCML Plenary, London


Monday 08 July

Attending funeral in Dorset


Tuesday 09 July

13.30-16.45 Meetings (Zoom)


Wednesday 10 July

Working lunch, London


Thursday 11 July

In London

12.00-16.00 for Celebration of French National Day

16.00 Education Support Partnership GDP Committee (Zoom)


Friday 12 July

09.30 Meeting on campus

12.00 Working lunch with Badminton governor, Bristol


Saturday 13 July

Appleford School Speech Day


Tuesday 16 July

10.00 Processing Assistant Marshal for Awards Ceremony 1, Bath Abbey


Wednesday 17 July (PoLIS Award Ceremonies)

Reform Club Conservation Charitable Trust Open Day

18.30 Reform Club Garden Party


Thursday 18 July

On campus 10.00-12.55

16.15 Meeting (Zoom)

18.00 Reform Club General Committee (Zoom)


Friday 19 July

In London on business


Monday 22 July

En route to Glasgow (Teams/Zoom calls possible - e-mail to make arrangements)


Tuesday 23 to Friday 26 July

BARS Conference, University of Glasgow


Monday 29 July to Friday 02 August

Annual Leave (incommunicado)


Tuesday 06 August

Hosting UAB academic


Wednesday 07 August

On campus 08.50-13.05 (including online training)


Friday 09 August

10.30 BRLSI-related meeting in town


Monday 12 to Friday 23 August

Supplementary Assessment Period


Monday 12 August

20.00 Romeo and Juliet, Bath Abbey


Tuesday 13 August

15.00 Dissertation discussion (Teams)


Wednesday 14 August

11.00 YA institutions discussion (Teams)

16.00 Online meeting


Thursday 15 and Friday 16 August

Annual Leave (incommunicado)


Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 August

Working as/from home - no in-person appointments (Teams/Zoom calls possible - e-mail to make arrangements)


Thursday 22 August to Friday 06 September

Annual Leave (incommunicado)


Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 August

Bank Holiday and University discretionary day (University closed)





Monday 09 to Tuesday 17 September

Working as/from home - no in-person appointments (Teams/Zoom calls possible - e-mail to make arrangements)


Monday 09 September

11.00 Career Conversation (Teams)


Thursday 12 September

16.00 Education Support Board Meeting (Zoom)


Monday 16 September

10.00 Finalist/Second Year returner event planning meeting (Teams)


Wednesday 18 September

18.00 Reform Club General Committee


Thursday 19 September

14.00 Career Conversation (Teams)


Monday 23 to Friday 27 September

Freshers'/Induction Week (Welcome Week)


Monday 23 September

19.30 Reform Club Wine Pool


Thursday 26 September

13.15 Meeting for Freshers of French


Friday 27 September

10.15 Induction meetings with returning ML//IPML Second Years

11.15 Induction meetings with returning ML/IPML Finalists

12.15 Departmental Meeting for incoming exchange/visiting students

13.30 In-office exchange/visiting student advice drop-in session





Monday 30 September

Semester One teaching begins



Urgent messages may be transmitted when the University is operating normal office hours via the Faculty/Departmental Hub (1WN 3.02), which has a contact telephone number for emergencies. You may contact the Office via



Dr Steve Wharton, Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies, The University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK

Page last updated 19 August 2024 by SW

Copyright (c) 2024 in Dr Steve Wharton