Other past papers are available in the Library. The course content changes
from time to time, so don't be too alarmed if there are questions in these
papers that were not covered in lectures.
In weeks 1 to 6 you have tutorials. These are for you to ask questions of the
Teaching Assistants on the lectures and around the subject. If you don't ask
them questions they will start asking you questions!
The Coursework
Coursework accounts for 25% of the course total. It consists of worked
exercises in labs on a circuit emulator.
The workbooks are not to be taken out of the labs: unfortunately there are
copyright restrictions that we must adhere to. You might like to regard this
as practice for working in a company that uses classified documents that are
not allowed out of the building.
Your work will only be marked in the labs, never outside. This is so we
can keep an eye on your progress and help you correct one exercise before
moving on to the next.
Make sure each exercise is marked by the Teaching Assistant before you move
to the next. As the exercises build on each other, it is important to make
sure you understand and fix any errors in your answer before using it in the
next exercise.
The labs start in week 7 and continue until Christmas.
There is a one week revision period after Christmas before the exams start.
The coursweork uses Crocodile Clips, which you start by:
Start -> All Programs -> Departments -> Computer Science -> Other Applications
Remember to log out twice when you are finished.
Some additional notes you might like to peruse:
These notes were written for a similar but not identical course and so
they contain things not in CM10017. Conversely, there are some things in
CM10017 that are not covered in these notes. Your lecture notes are your prime
source for this course.
These notes were kindly provided by Dr N M Brooke and are for your
personal use only and are not to be more widely circulated or published.