Stochastic Processes and Finance (MA30089)

Semester II, 2024-25

  • This site to be used in conjunction with the course Moodle page.


    Discrete time: trading portfolio, Binomial model, arbitrage, derivative pricing using arbitrage. Radon-Nikodym derivative, change of measure, Fundamental Theorem of Asset pricing. Brownian motion: definition, basic properties, reflection principle. Using related martingales, and computing quantitative properties of Brownian motion. Sketch introduction to Stochastic Integration and stochastic differential equations. Ito's Lemma, Girsanov's Theorem. Black-Scholes model: Geometric Brownian motion as a model for asset prices, risk-neutral measure, European call price formula, Fundamental Theorem of Asset pricing.


    Lecture notes

    Problem sheets

    Solutions to problem sheets

    Tutorial (problems class) questions

    Solutions to tutorial questions