Mathew Penrose

Department of Mathematical Sciences

University of Bath


Department Address:

M D Penrose
Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
University of Bath


(01225 or +44 1225) 386222


  • MA30089 Stochastic Processes and Finance . Semester II, 2024-25.
  • MA40042 Measure theory and Integration. Semester I, 2024-25.

    Research interests

    Here is a link to my recently published graduate student text (with Guenter Last): Lectures on the Poisson Process, including access to an online version.

    Here is a link to a description of my Lectures on Random Geometric Graphs, contained in the volume (with M. Krivelevich, K. Pangioutou, and C. McDiarmid) Random Graphs, Geometry and Asymptotic Structure, CUP 2016.

    Here is a link to my monograph on Random Geometric Graphs, OUP 2003

    Here is a detailed description of my research activities which I wrote in 2001. (So it is far from being up to date!)

    Here is a list of my recent publications.

    And here is a page with links to a very incomplete selection of my recent research-related presentations at conferences, workshops and seminars.

    If you wish to discuss my published research, or if you are interested in collaboration, please feel free to contact me.

  • Link to the University of Bath Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • Link to the University of Bath Probability Page (Prob-L@B)
  • Link to the University of Bath