22nd OpenMath Workshop
July 9th, 2009, Ontario, Canada, c/o
CICM 2009
News |
Objectives |
Deadlines |
Contributions |
Submissions |
Proceedings |
Keynote |
Committee |
Accommodation |
Travel |
With the development of MathML 3,
OpenMath enters a new phase of its development. Topics we expect to see at the
workshop include
- Convergence of OpenMath and MathML 3;
- Reasoning with OpenMath;
- Software using or processing OpenMath;
- New OpenMath Content Dictionaries;
though others related to OpenMath are certainly welcomed.
Contributions can be either full research papers, or a description of new
Content Dictionaries, particularly ones that are suggested for formal
adoption by the OpenMath Society.
The following contributions have been accepted for presentation at the workshop.
- Alexander Konovalov, Sebastian Freundt, Peter Horn, Sylla Lesseni, Steve Linton and Dan Roozemond. OpenMath in SCIEnce: evolving of symbolic computation interaction
- Florian Rabe and Michael Kohlhase. A Better Role System for OpenMath
- Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe. Semantics of OpenMath and MathML3
- Christoph Lange. wiki.openmath.org -- how it works, how you can participate
- Miguel Abanades, Francisco Botana, Jesus Escribano, Maxim Hendriks, Ulrich Kortenkamp, Yves Kreis, Paul Libbrecht, Dani Marques and Christian Mercat. The Intergeo File Format in Progress
- Andreas Strotmann. The Design of MathML-Content 2 Revision 2 and Implications for Unifying MathML and OpenMath
- hans cuypers, Jan Willem Knopper and Hans Sterk. MESS: the MathDox Exercise System
- Joseph Collins. OpenMath Content Dictionaries for SI Quantities and Units
- Sylla Lesseni and Dan Roozemond. The order1 Content Dictionary
- Sebastian Freundt, Peter Horn and Dan Roozemond. The matrix1 Content Dictionary
- David Carlisle. The MathML CD Group: Proposed update for MathML3
- Sebastian Freundt, Peter Horn and Dan Roozemond. The polynomial4 Content Dictionary
- Sebastian Freundt, Peter Horn, Alexander Konovalov, Sylla Lesseni, Steve Linton and Dan Roozemond. The scscp1 and scscp2 Content Dictionaries
- Jonathan Heras, Vico Pascual and Julio Rubio. Content Dictionaries for Algebraic Topology
- James Davenport. Integrals and intervals
- James Davenport and Michael Kohlhase. Quantifiers and Big Operators in OpenMath
- James Davenport and Jonathan Stratford. Content Dictionaries for Units and Dimensions
- May 1st: abstract submissions (moved)
- May 11th: paper submissions (moved)
- May 22th: (or up to one week later) paper acceptance/rejection decision
- June 29th: Proceedings papers to EasyChair as a LateX file in LNCS format (moved)
- July 9th: workshop date, electronic proceedings, abstracts on site
Submission format:
Papers must conform to the Springer LNCS style,
preferably using LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs class files.
Submission categories:
Full paper: 4-12 LNCS pages
Short paper: 1-8 LNCS pages (increased)
CD description: 1-8 LNCS pages (increased); a .zip or .tgz file of the CDs should be
Submission upload
Via Easychair conference system by
April 29th/May 4th.
Electronic proceedings will be published on the OpenMath web site in time for the conference, and given to contributors. Complete post-proceedings will be co-published by the OpenMath Society and University of Bath Press. We will also try to find a route to publish "best papers", probably with one of the other CICM conferences.
Part of the CICM series: to be announced soon.
Programme Committee (to date):
- Chris Rowley (Open University, U.K.)
- David Carlisle (NAG Ltd)
- James Davenport (University of Bath, chair)
- Michael Kohlhase (Jacobs University, Bremen)
- Olga Caprotti (University of Helsinki)
- Paul Libbecht (DFKI Saarbruecken)
- Stephen Watt (University of Western Ontario)
Organizing Committee:
James Davenport; assistance
Comments/questions/inquiries: to be sent to:
om2009 at easychair dot org.
Historical Note: David Carlisle has clarified chronology: this will in fact be
the 22nd OpenMath workshop (which makes much more sense). Workshop 14 was
also a Thematic Network workshop 1, hence there has been an "off by 13" error.
Thanks, David!