
Quotation is a notion that is probably peculiar to Lisp. There is a special operator, called quote, which may be applied to any Lisp object and the result of the evaluation is the object given as argument. This may sound rather pointless. However, it is very important because it is the way to differentiate between
  1. list data and function application.
  2. symbols and identifiers.
The rule to remember is that:
(quote anything) evaluates to anything
The other useful thing to remember is that (quote anything ) can be abbreviated by 'anything. Quotation allows you to treat any object as a constant, although the important case is the creation of list constants and symbols.
denotes the symbol whose name is abc. The quotation mark is important: if it wasn't there, then Lisp would treat abc as an identifier and return the value associated with it. In the examples below, and throughout these pages, user> is the Lisp system's prompt. user> 'nil nil user> nil () user> 'ticks-per-second ticks-per-second user> ticks-per-second 1000.00000000000 user> '+ + user> + # However, trying out the example given above has a different effect: user> 'abc abc user> abc Error---calling default handler: Condition class is # message: "variable unbound in module 'user'" value: abc Debug loop. Type help: for help Broken at # DEBUG> top: user> This is because there is no value associated with abc: how to do that will be discussed in the definitions page.
'(#\a "to" #(abc))
denotes the list of three elements: the character a, the string comprising the characters t-o and the vector containing the symbol abc. Note that the elements of lists do not have to be of the same type, unlike many other languages. Again, the quotation mark is important: if it wasn't there, then Lisp would treat '(#\a "to" #(abc)) as the application of the character #\a to the arguments "to" and #(abc). For example: user> '(+ 1 2) (+ 1 2) user> (+ 1 2) 3 However, trying out the example given above has this result: user> '(#\a "to" #(abc)) (#\a "to" #\z) user> (#\a "to" #(abc)) Error---calling default handler: Condition class is # message: "incorrect type in function application" value: #\a expected-type: # Debug loop. Type help: for help Broken at # DEBUG> top: user> A fuller explanation of function application is given in the expressions page.

Quotation and constants

Now that enough has been explained about quotation and constants, it is time to discuss how they interact, in particular with respect to vectors, since these are the only constants which can contain arbitrary lisp objects. This is probably best done by example: user> #("hi" '(+ 1 2) 'abc) #("hi" (quote (+ 1 2)) (quote abc)) user> #("hi" (+ 1 2) abc) #("hi" (+ 1 2) abc) user> '("hi" (+ 1 2) abc) ("hi" (+ 1 2) abc) user> ("hi" (+ 1 2) abc) Error---calling default handler: Condition class is # message: "variable unbound in module 'user'" value: abc Debug loop. Type help: for help Broken at # DEBUG> top: user> From the first example, we see that the quoted expression appears with the quote in the resulting vector; that is, the elements of vector constant are not evaluated, as if there was a quotation outside the vector. The second example simply demonstrates what we should expect, given the first example. The third is a quoted list, so of course, the elements do not get evaluated either. Predictably, if we leave off the quote from the list, then it treats the expression as a function application and tried to evaluate the elements before applying the first one. Because abc has no value (in Lisp, we say it is unbound), we get the same error as we saw before.
Julian Padget, jap@maths.bath.ac.uk, this version December 9, 1994