
The arithemtic operators in Lisp mostly have the same names and the same behaviour as in other languages you have encountered. However, one place to be wary is with any operation involving division: because some Lisps have a wide variety of numeric types (sometimes including rational numbers) the results may not always be what you expect.
(+ [ num1 num2 ... ] )
Computes the sum of the arguments using the generic function binary+. Given zero arguments, + returns 0. One argument returns that argument. The arguments are combined left-associatively.
(- num1 [ num2 ... ] )
Computes the result of subtracting successive arguments, from the second to the last, from the first using the generic function binary-. Zero arguments is an error. One argument returns the negation of the argument, using the generic function negate. The arguments are combined left-associatively.
(* [ num1 num2 ... ] )
Computes the product of the arguments using the generic function binary*. Given zero arguments, * returns 1. One argument returns that argument. The arguments are combined left-associatively.
(/ num1 [ num2 ... ] )
Computes the result of dividing the first argument by its succeeding arguments using the generic function binary/. Zero arguments is an error. One argument computes the reciprocal of the argument. It is an error in the single argument case, if the argument is zero.
(% num1 [ num2 ... ] )
Computes the result of taking the remainder of dividing the first argument by its succeeding arguments using the generic function binary%. Zero arguments is an error. One argument returns that argument.
(abs num)
Computes the absolute value of num.
(negate num)
Computes the additive inverse of num.
(zerop num)
Compares number with the corresponding zero element of num, that is 0 for integers and 0.0 for floating point using the generic function binary=.
binary+, binary-, binary*, binary/, binary%
These are the two argument implementations of the corresponding operations. These functions are called by the n-ary argument functions described above. These are generic functions in order to implement the different behaviours needed to combine different kinds of numbers. Note: this organization and use of generic functions is EuLisp specific, but the n-ary functions above should be available in most Lisps.

Julian Padget,, this version December 11, 1994