Elementary Functions

The defined name of this module is mathlib. The functionality defined for this module is intentionally precisely that of the trigonmetric functions, hyperbolic functions, exponential and logarithmic functions and power functions defined for <math.h> in ISO/IEC 9899 : 1990 with the exceptions of frexp, ldexp and modf.

pi : double-float


The value of pi is the ratio the circumference of a circle to its diameter stored to double precision floating point accuracy.

acos : generic-function

Generic arguments

(float <float>)
A floating point number.


Computes the principal value of the arc cosine of float which is a value in the range [0; pi] radians. An error is signalled (condition-class: domain-condition) if float is not in the range [1; +1].

asin : generic-function

Generic arguments

(float <float>)
A floating point number.


Computes the principal value of the arc sine of float which is a value in the range [pi=2; +pi=2] radians. An error is signalled (condition-class: domain-condition) if float is not in the range [1; +1].

atan : generic-function

Generic arguments

(float <float>)
A floating point number.


Computes the principal value of the arc tangent of float which is a value in the range [pi=2; +pi=2] radians.

atan2 : generic-function

Generic arguments

(float1 <float>)
A floating point number.
(float2 <float>)
A floating point number.


Computes the principal value of the arc tangent of float1 /float2 , which is a value in the range [pi; +pi] radians, using the signs of both arguments to determine the quadrant of the result. An error might be signalled (condition-class: domain-condition) if either float1 or float2 is zero.

cos : generic-function

Generic arguments

(float <float>)
A floating point number.


Computes the cosine of float (measured in radians).

sin : generic-function

Generic arguments

(float <float>)
A floating point number.


Computes the sine of float (measured in radians).

tan : generic-function

Generic arguments

(float <float>)
A floating point number.


Computes the tangent of float (measured in radians).

cosh : generic-function

Generic arguments

(float <float>)
A floating point number.


Computes the hyperbolic cosine of float. An error might be signalled (condition class: range-condition) if the magnitude of float is too large.

sinh : generic-function

Generic arguments

(float <float>)
A floating point number.


Computes the hyperbolic sine of float. An error might be signalled (condition class: range-condition) if the magnitude of float is too large.

tanh : generic-function

Generic arguments

(float <float>)
A floating point number.


Computes the hyperbolic tangent of float.

exp : generic-function

Generic arguments

(float <float>)
A floating point number.


Computes the exponential function of float. An error might be signalled (condition class: range-condition) if the magnitude of float is too large.

log : generic-function

Generic arguments

(float <float>)
A floating point number.


Computes the natural logarithm of float. An error is signalled (condition class: domain-condition) if float is negative. An error might be signalled (condition class: range-condition) if float is zero.

log10 : generic-function

Generic arguments

(float <float>)
A floating point number.


Computes the base-ten logarithm of float. An error is signalled (condition class: domain-condition) if float is negative. An error might be signalled (condition class: range-condition) if float is zero.

pow : generic-function

Generic arguments

(float1 <float>)
A floating point number.
(float2 <float>)
A floating point number.


Computes float1 raised to the power float2 . An error is signalled (condition class: domain-condition) if float1 is negative and float2 is not integral. An error is signalled (condition class: domain-condition) if the result cannot be represented when float1 is zero and float2 is less than or equal to zero. An error might be signalled (condition class: range-condition) if the result cannot be represented.

sqrt : generic-function

Generic arguments

(float <float>)
A floating point number.


Computes the non-negative square root of float. An error is signalled (condition class: domain-condition) if float is negative.
Julian Padget, jap@maths.bath.ac.uk, this version February 7, 1995