Professor Geoffrey R. Burton

Department: Department of Mathematical Sciences
Job Title: Emeritus Professor of Mathematics

Fax: +44 1225 386492
Room Number: 6W 1.05

E-mail Address: grb@maths bath ac uk [replace spaces by full-stops]

Postal Address:

Research interests: Rearrangements of functions, and variational problems, especially those arising in theory of ideal fluids; also the theory of convex sets. Most recently, applications of the theory of transport equations to the stability of steady vortices and to free-surface waves in the presence of vorticity.

Here are some recent publications.

South West Regional PDE Winter School 2013, University of Bath 3rd-4th January.

Analysis Day for research students, University of Bath, 11th May 2011.

Workshop: Variational and Topological Methods and Water Waves, University of Bath, 14-16 May 2009.

Workshop: Optimal Transportation, Transport Equations & Hydrodynamics, ICMS, Edinburgh, 11-15 July 2005.

[Department of Mathematical Sciences] [University of Bath]