Ken Cameron

Department of Computer Science, Lecturer

I'm a member of the Visual Computing Group, with a 100% focus on teaching. My background is in high-performance computing, processor architecture and rendering. I used to design GPUs for a living. These days I'm much more interested in how we can use new technologies to change the way we teach and learn. And if we should.

I'm academic lead for a student run Vertically Integrated Project investigating the use of Virtual Reality in Bystander Intervention Training.

In December 2022, I registered with the Univerity as a part-time PhD student. My research is examining the impact of Computer Science on the practice of teaching and learning both within the discipline and how it affects other subjects.


The units I currently teach are: CM30075 Advanced Computer Graphics, CM50266 Applied Data Science, CM50267 Software Technologies for Data Science.

Units I've previously taught or co-taught are: CM50245 Visual Effects (No longer available), CM50248 Visual Understanding 1 (No longer available), CM50265 Machine Learning 2, XX50215 Statistics for Data Science, CM30080 Computer Vision, CM20220 Fundamentals of Machine Learning (No longer available)

Recent Publications

Cameron, K 2022, Using a storyline to increase engagement in a course review. in SN Spencer (ed.), SIGGRAPH Educator's Forum : Proceedings (2022)., 18, Proceedings - SIGGRAPH 2022 Educator's Forum, Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference - Educator's Forum, SIGGRAPH 2022, Vancouver, Canada, 8/08/22.

Cameron, K 2019, Creating a modern classic visual effect. in ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Educators Forum, SIGGRAPH 2019., 2, Proceedings of ACM Siggraph (Siggraph conference), Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1-2, ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Educators Forum - International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 2019, Los Angeles, USA United States, 28/07/19.

E-mail Address:

Postal Address:
Mr Ken Cameron
1 West 3.53
Dept of Computer Science
University of Bath
Bath, BA2 7AY
United Kingdom