Journal articles:
(with A. Kiselev, I. Velčić, J. Žubrinić) Effective behaviour of critical-contrast PDEs: micro-resonances, frequency conversion, and time dispersive properties. II, To appear in Communications in Mathematical Physics 52 pp. (2025)
(with Yu. Ershova, S. Naboko) Open Access: Functional model for generalised resolvents and its application to time-dispersive media. Analysis and Mathematical Physics 14, article number 136 (2024)
(with Y. Ershova and A. Kiselev) Open Access: Norm-resolvent convergence for Neumann Laplacians on manifolds thinning to graphs. Mathematics 12(8), article number 1161 (2024)
(with I. Velčić, J. Žubrinić) Open Access: Operator-norm resolvent estimates for thin elastic periodically heterogeneous rods in moderate contrast. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 62, article number 147 (2023).
(with Yu. Yu. Ershova, A. V. Kiselev, V. A. Ryzhov, L. O. Silva) Asymptotic analysis of operator families and applications to resonant media. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 291, 239--311 (2023). [arXiv version]
(with M. Bužančić, I. Velčić, J. Žubrinić) Open Access: Spectral and evolution analysis of composite elastic plates with high contrast. Journal of Elasticity 152, 79--177 (2022).
(with S. D'Onofrio) Open Access: Operator-norm homogenisation estimates for the system of Maxwell equations
on periodic singular structures. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 61, article number 67 (2022).
(with A. Kiselev and L. Silva) Operator-norm resolvent asymptotic
analysis of continuous media with low-index inclusions. Mathematical Notes 111(3--4), 373--387 (2022). [arXiv version]
(with I. Velčić) Open Access: Sharp operator-norm asymptotics for linearised elastic plates with rapidly oscillating periodic properties.
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 105(3), 1634--1680 (2022).
(with A. Kiselev and L. Silva) Open Access: Functional model for boundary-value problems. Mathematika 67(3), 296--626 (2021).
(with A. V. Kiselev and L. O. Silva) Scattering theory for non-selfadjoint extensions of symmetric operators. Analysis as a Tool in Mathematical Physics: in Memory of Boris Pavlov. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 276, 194--230 (2020). [arXiv version]
(with Y. Ershova and A. Kiselev) Open Access: Effective behaviour of critical-contrast PDEs: micro-resonances, frequency conversion, and time dispersive properties. I. Communications in Mathematical Physics 375, 1833--1884 (2020).
(with Y. Ershova, A. Kiselev, and S. Naboko) Unified approach to critical-contrast homogenisation with explicit links to time-dispersive media. Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 80(2), 295--342 (2019). [arXiv version]
(with W. Graham) Open Access: Frequency-dependent impedance and surface waves on the boundary of a stratified dielectric medium Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 377(2156) (2019).
(with Y. Ershova and A. Kiselev) Time-dispersive behaviour as a feature of critical contrast media. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 79(2), 690--715 (2019). [arXiv version]
(with M.Cherdantsev and I. Velčić) Open Access: Stochastic homogenisation of high-contrast media. Applicable Analysis 98(1-2), 91--117 (2019).
(with J. Evans) Open Access: Homogenisation of thin periodic frameworks with high-contrast inclusions. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 473(2), 658--679 (2019).
(with M. Cherdantsev and S. Cooper) Open Access: Extreme localisation of eigenfunctions to one-dimensional high-contrast periodic problems with a defect. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 50(6), 5825--5856 (2018).
(with P. Dondl and F. Rösler) Open Access: Norm-resolvent convergence in perforated domains. Asymptotic Analysis 110(3-4), 163--184 (2018).
(with S. D'Onofrio) Operator-norm convergence estimates for elliptic homogenisation problems on periodic singular structures. Journal of Mathematical Sciences 232(4), 558--572 (2018).
(with M. Waurick) Open Access: Resolvent estimates in homogenisation of periodic problems of fractional elasticity. Journal of Differential Equations 264(6), 3811--3835 (2018).
(with A. V. Kiselev and L. O. Silva) Functional model for extensions of symmetric operators and applications to scattering theory. Networks and Heterogeneous Media 13(2), 191--215 (2018).
(with S. Cooper) Open Access: Asymptotic behaviour of the spectra of systems of Maxwell equations in periodic composite media with high contrast. Mathematika 64(2), 583--605 (2018).
(with M. Cherdantsev and S. Neukamm) Open Access: High contrast homogenisation in nonlinear elasticity under small loads Asymptotic Analysis 104(1--2), 67--102 (2017); DOI: 10.3233/ASY-171430
(with A. Kiselev) Open Access: Norm-resolvent convergence of one-dimensional high-contrast periodic problems to a Kronig-Penney dipole-type model. Communications in Mathematical Physics 349, 441--480 (2017); DOI: 10.1007/s00220-016-2698-4
(with J. Evans) Open Access: Full two-scale asymptotic expansion and higher-order constitutive laws in the homogenisation of the system of Maxwell equations. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (SIAM) 14(4), 1513--1539 (2016); DOI:10.1137/15M1042103
(with S. Cooper) Open Access:Resolvent estimates for high-contrast homogenisation problems. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 219(3), 1061--1086 (2016); DOI: 10.1007/s00205-015-0916-4
(with M. Cherdantsev)
Open Access:Bending of thin periodic plates. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 54(4), 4079--4117 (2015).
(with S. Cooper) Open Access:On the existence of high-frequency boundary resonances in layered elastic media. Proceedings of the Royal Society A
471: 20140878 (2015). DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2014.0878
(with S. Cooper) Open Access: Homogenisation of the system of high-contrast Maxwell equations. Mathematika 61(2: V. G. Maz'ya Anniversary Issue), 475--500 (2015)
(with S. Cooper and S. Guenneau) Open Access:Spectral analysis of one-dimensional high-contrast elliptic problems
with periodic coefficients. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (SIAM) 13(1), 72--98 (2015).
Some analogues of the double-porosity models and the associated effect of micro-resonance. Journal of Mathematical Sciences 176, 818--827 (2012).
(with M. Cherdantsev) Two-scale Γ-convergence of integral functionals and its application to homogenisation of nonlinear
high-contrast periodic composites. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 204, 445--478 (2012).
(with S. D. M. Adams, R. V. Craster and S. Guenneau) High-frequency spectral analysis of thin periodic acoustic strips: theory and numerics. European Journal of Applied Mathematics 21(6), 557--590 (2010).
An approach to constitutive modelling of elasto-plasticity via ensemble averaging of the dislocation transport.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 58(5), 798--809 (2010).
(with N. F. Britton, C. Carrillo and M. Mogie) Dynamic coexistence of sexual
and asexual invasion fronts via a system of integro-difference equations. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
71(7), 1612--1625 (2009).
(with F. J. Sabina) Open Access: On the existence of waves guided by a cavity in an elastic layer.
Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 62(3), 221-233 (2009).
(with G. W. Milton, N.-A. P. Nicorovici, R. C. McPhedran and Z. Jacob) Open Access:
Solutions in folded geometries and associated cloaking due to anomalous
resonance. New Journal of Physics 10(11), 115021 (2008).
(with S. Guenneau)
Bloch-wave homogenisation for spectral asymptotic analysis of the periodic Maxwell
operator. Waves in Random and Complex Media 17, 627--651 (2007).
Asymptotic expansion of the boundary-layer type for
flexural waves along the curved edge of a Kirchhoff-Love plate.
Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI, 332, 286--298 (2006), in Russian. English version
in: J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.) 142 (6), 2682--2688 (2007).
Two-scale asymptotics for non-local effects in composites with highly anisotropic fibres.
Asymptotic Analysis, 49, 39--59 (2006).
Open Access:
On propagation of attenuated Rayleigh waves along a fluid-solid interface of arbitrary shape. The
Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 59,
75--94 (2006).
(with V. P. Smyshlyaev and V. V. Zhikov) Non-local
homogenised limits for composite media with highly anisotropic periodic
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A 136(1), 87--114 (2006).
On propagation of Scholte-Gogoladze surface waves along a fluid-solid interface of arbitrary shape.
Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI 324, 229--247 (2005), in Russian. English version in:
J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 138(2), 5613--5622 (2006).
(with P. Padilla) On derivation of the density of states for periodic operators by the method of asymptotic expansion.
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
48(1), 51-60 (2005).
(with V. P. Smyshlyaev) On full two-scale expansion of the solutions of nonlinear periodic rapidly oscillating problems and higher-order homogenised variational problems.
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 174(3),
385--442 (2004).
(with V. M. Babich) On a differential equation
with a singular point of regular type and a large parameter. Integral
Transforms and Special Functions 11(2), 101--112 (2001).
(with V. P. Smyshlyaev) On rigorous derivation
of strain gradient effects in the overall behaviour of
periodic heterogeneous media. Journal
of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
48(6--7), 1325-1357 (2000).
(with V. M. Babich) On Fock's type asymptotics
of Legendre functions. Integral Transforms and Special
Functions 5(1--2), 1--18 (1997).